I've lived here for 20 years and dealt with the never ending driveway headache's, POTHOLES!! It's that time of year to put down more gravel (typically 30 tons) but now it's skyrocketed in price, I used to pay $350 for a tandem axle, now it's $600 so it's time to try something different. Yesterday I was doing some research and couldn't believe I never thought of it... Bust up the hole first. A pothole is a hard packed bowl, filling it is like pouring cereal in a bowl, everything I read suggests busting up the base below the pothole using a box blade (with tines) then re-smoothing the surface? What I found interesting is not only do people do this to fix potholes but they also do it as a means to get more life out of their drives... bring the gravel back to the surface?
Think I'll go buy me a box blade since I had planned on getting one anyways and give it a try. Any members out there with some driveway tips?
Think I'll go buy me a box blade since I had planned on getting one anyways and give it a try. Any members out there with some driveway tips?