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Gun nuts, pay attention....

I dream of the day when ATF( alcohol tobacco and firearms) is a convenience store instead of a government agency.:headbang:
Standing right with ya, Cranky.
Getting a permit to carry in New Jersey is next to impossible. One senator introduced a bill last year that would've opened things up but it's not moving very fast. It gives hope though. The house has a bill that would give reciprocity in most states if you have a permit in a state that gives non-resident CCW permits. Lots of discussion here in NJ about that bill and what that would do for us. We're pretty sure that Christie will be in court against that law being effective for us. In the meantime, if I'm not driving the Bee, I'll bee at the range.
Well, 69net, you can thank that asshole for the Port Arthur Massacre for your situation. One of the the basic tenets of our American background is in our Constitution. The Right To Bear Arms. The original idea was we were a frontier nation. The other idea was that a government should FEAR the people. Not the other way around.
During WWII, Admiral Yamamoto was asked about an invasion of America. He didn't agree with it as "there would be a gun behind every blade of grass."
In the US, there has been a large increase in states loosening "right to carry" laws. The anti-gun lobby predicted blood running in the streets. The fact has been small fractions, of 1 percent, of legal gun-carriers violating the law [usually for being drunk in possession, or "brandishing" Both illegal, and both wrong in the eyes of responsible gun owners]. I dont know if this has hindered the crooks attitudes, but at least people have the right, and ABILITY to protect themselves in areas where the police cant. I lived in Detroit for the last 20 years, so I just MIGHT know something about this.
I worry about a government that no longer FEARS the people! What is left? Torches and pitchforks against government storm-troopers when the present administration decides to cross the line?
Gun control was enforced in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, North Korea. It worked pretty good for them!
A government must remember that it SERVES THE PEOPLE. The people do NOT live to serve it! Or it will soon be at the WRATH OF THE PEOPLE. And THAT, is why we have our Second Amendment!
If you have the time, READ our Constitution. It is an incredible document given the times it was written in. There had never been anything like it in the history of man. Where the government was given the PERMISSION to govern, and could be revoked by the people! Just amazing when you compare it to anything else in human history.
First of all, I wish I was a Texan. I feel as though everybody should have guns. Good post of the firearms. I personally here in Canada, have 6 guns and keep a lot of ammo handy too:) Our gun registry is a lot tighter than yours. We can own handguns but can't take them anywhere, except the range. For Americans if none of your guns are registered? how would a law abiding citizen transfer guns?
I've sold only a couple of my guns but both were to people that I knew but there is no gun registration in Texas....but none of my guns were bought from from a dealer or a gun shop so none have paperwork with my name on them. The only one that I have paper work that might be closely related to me is one that was bought by a friend that was a police officer. Police officers get a discount and he passed it on to me but the receipt has his name on it.
Well, 69net, you can thank that asshole for the Port Arthur Massacre for your situation. One of the the basic tenets of our American background is in our Constitution. The Right To Bear Arms. The original idea was we were a frontier nation. The other idea was that a government should FEAR the people. Not the other way around.
During WWII, Admiral Yamamoto was asked about an invasion of America. He didn't agree with it as "there would be a gun behind every blade of grass."
In the US, there has been a large increase in states loosening "right to carry" laws. The anti-gun lobby predicted blood running in the streets. The fact has been small fractions, of 1 percent, of legal gun-carriers violating the law [usually for being drunk in possession, or "brandishing" Both illegal, and both wrong in the eyes of responsible gun owners]. I dont know if this has hindered the crooks attitudes, but at least people have the right, and ABILITY to protect themselves in areas where the police cant. I lived in Detroit for the last 20 years, so I just MIGHT know something about this.
I worry about a government that no longer FEARS the people! What is left? Torches and pitchforks against government storm-troopers when the present administration decides to cross the line?
Gun control was enforced in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, North Korea. It worked pretty good for them!
A government must remember that it SERVES THE PEOPLE. The people do NOT live to serve it! Or it will soon be at the WRATH OF THE PEOPLE. And THAT, is why we have our Second Amendment!
If you have the time, READ our Constitution. It is an incredible document given the times it was written in. There had never been anything like it in the history of man. Where the government was given the PERMISSION to govern, and could be revoked by the people! Just amazing when you compare it to anything else in human history.

Like I said....I'm not anti gun..and I do agree with everthing You have said here, Yes You are correct The Port Arthur Massacre brought things to a head, and the government pushed through Their laws...No they did not take it to the People..They never do anymore by the way. The government by the People for the People ( yes I know that's Yours) has long gone in this carn'try... The old Australian saying of "She'll be right Mate" has led Us to the beauracrates doing what they want, and then just tell Us what they have done. If We throw that Government out at election time because of something stupid they have done or the majority don't like? the incoming Government does NOT repeal the law because it's too hard to change it back...go figure?

You might not like My opinion of the conspiracy I beleive happened at Port Arthur? so I better not go there, least to say that Governments have sacrificed the population for centuries to sway public opinion to pass laws.

If anyone is interested in what I beleive? P/M Me.
I've sold only a couple of my guns but both were to people that I knew but there is no gun registration in Texas....but none of my guns were bought from from a dealer or a gun shop so none have paperwork with my name on them. The only one that I have paper work that might be closely related to me is one that was bought by a friend that was a police officer. Police officers get a discount and he passed it on to me but the receipt has his name on it.

Uncle Sam knows about 2 of my guns- I had an AR15 built at a gun shop, and I bought a .308 at a gun shop, both required background checks. I bought most of my stuff used to stay off the radar screen.
Cranky- it's amazing that you can have an unregistered handgun in your car in Texas! In NY, a loaded unregistered handgun is a felony with a mandatory minimum sentence!! If you do hav a registered handgun, it has to be in your custody at all times, you cannot leave it in your car for any reason.
If they pass a law that all atates must recognize another state's gay marriage license, the NRA should sue to have reciprocity on carry permits.
I have a few myself, and they were purchased before the waiting period, and I dont think they were ever registered from the original purchase. As a matter of fact, I'm certain of it! I was 16 when I bought my first rifle from K-Mart way back when, and I handed them cash from my Christmas money I had recieved.... I walked out the door with a new rifle and a box of shells that day..... Boy was I a happy kid.. LOL!
My black powder 45 single action Old Army pistol wasn't registered either... The guy at the gun store told me that he didn't have to register it because at the time. it fell under primitive weapons classification. My 12 guage was a trade at the local gun show for an early side by side 12 guage that I refurbished.
Someone is buying all the gun makers.... In recent years, many top-selling brands — Remington Arms, as well as Bushmaster Firearms and DPMS, leading makers of military-style semiautomatics — have quietly passed into the hands of a single private company. It is called the Freedom Group — and it is the most powerful and mysterious force in the American commercial gun industry today.
Even within gun circles, the Freedom Group is something of an enigma. Its rise has been so swift that it has become the subject of wild speculation and grassy-knoll conspiracy theories. Behind this giant is Cerberus Capital Management, Behind Cerberus Capital Management is George Soros. While the Freedom Group leaves a positive feel, so too does the “Patriot Act” until you get past the cover. If it turns out to be the gun industry equivalent of a Trojan Horse, and Freedom Group management is embedded with anti-Second Amendment leadership, then the risk becomes that Congressional lobbying efforts to expand gun freedoms could be muted and restrictive legislation enacted as a result. There would, in essence, be no one left in American industry to fend off an attack on the second amendment...

This is something I've not heard before, and if there's any validity in it at all, it's scary beyond any question. This is one thing that the ATF should look into, along the lines of anti trust or ICC regulation.
You can Google 'Freedom Group' and see what comes up but here is the Wiki on them. Not a whole lot of info there but it does list several fire arms companies that they own plus the parent company of them....Cerberus Capital Management....and you can look into who all they own too.
Snopes and a couple other sights say Soros isn't involved, although the buy up is occuring. Names like Dan Quayle and John Snow make me feel better about it.

But finding out out that at one time this group was involved with the Chrysler Buyout, and the name Nardelli, worry me more about the companies being bled dry and sold off
No matter that Quale and Snow are involved with Cerberus. The fact that all these small companies are being swallowed up by one large company is a little unsettling regardless of political affiliation. Too much control in the hands of a select few, supply, pricing, legal matters, etc. I just hope that the rest of the mfgs. have the nads to tell The Freedom Group to get bent but smoehow, I don't think so. They'll buy up one after the other to the point that anyone left will have two choices - sell out and get something for your company or get steamrollered and walk away with nothing.
I do not need or what to own a gun. Merry Christmas.

So don't. That's the beauty of this country. We have the right to make these choices for ourselves, at least for now anyway. Seems lately that certain factions feel as though they're better suited to make those decisions for us, not just guns but a lot of issues that I personally feel the government should keep their noses out of.

Merry Christmas to you too.
I think we should all be pack'en.........................
at least the legal (no record felony) with license, People...
there would be less than 1/2 the crime.

Merry Christmas and God Bless America

Sonny Black
Auto Transport Service