Well-Known Member
I dream of the day when ATF( alcohol tobacco and firearms) is a convenience store instead of a government agency.:headbang:
Well, 69net, you can thank that asshole for the Port Arthur Massacre for your situation. One of the the basic tenets of our American background is in our Constitution. The Right To Bear Arms. The original idea was we were a frontier nation. The other idea was that a government should FEAR the people. Not the other way around.
During WWII, Admiral Yamamoto was asked about an invasion of America. He didn't agree with it as "there would be a gun behind every blade of grass."
In the US, there has been a large increase in states loosening "right to carry" laws. The anti-gun lobby predicted blood running in the streets. The fact has been small fractions, of 1 percent, of legal gun-carriers violating the law [usually for being drunk in possession, or "brandishing" Both illegal, and both wrong in the eyes of responsible gun owners]. I dont know if this has hindered the crooks attitudes, but at least people have the right, and ABILITY to protect themselves in areas where the police cant. I lived in Detroit for the last 20 years, so I just MIGHT know something about this.
I worry about a government that no longer FEARS the people! What is left? Torches and pitchforks against government storm-troopers when the present administration decides to cross the line?
Gun control was enforced in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, North Korea. It worked pretty good for them!
A government must remember that it SERVES THE PEOPLE. The people do NOT live to serve it! Or it will soon be at the WRATH OF THE PEOPLE. And THAT, is why we have our Second Amendment!
If you have the time, READ our Constitution. It is an incredible document given the times it was written in. There had never been anything like it in the history of man. Where the government was given the PERMISSION to govern, and could be revoked by the people! Just amazing when you compare it to anything else in human history.
I've sold only a couple of my guns but both were to people that I knew but there is no gun registration in Texas....but none of my guns were bought from from a dealer or a gun shop so none have paperwork with my name on them. The only one that I have paper work that might be closely related to me is one that was bought by a friend that was a police officer. Police officers get a discount and he passed it on to me but the receipt has his name on it.
Someone is buying all the gun makers.... In recent years, many top-selling brands — Remington Arms, as well as Bushmaster Firearms and DPMS, leading makers of military-style semiautomatics — have quietly passed into the hands of a single private company. It is called the Freedom Group — and it is the most powerful and mysterious force in the American commercial gun industry today.
Even within gun circles, the Freedom Group is something of an enigma. Its rise has been so swift that it has become the subject of wild speculation and grassy-knoll conspiracy theories. Behind this giant is Cerberus Capital Management, Behind Cerberus Capital Management is George Soros. While the Freedom Group leaves a positive feel, so too does the “Patriot Act” until you get past the cover. If it turns out to be the gun industry equivalent of a Trojan Horse, and Freedom Group management is embedded with anti-Second Amendment leadership, then the risk becomes that Congressional lobbying efforts to expand gun freedoms could be muted and restrictive legislation enacted as a result. There would, in essence, be no one left in American industry to fend off an attack on the second amendment...
I do not need or what to own a gun. Merry Christmas.