I subscribe to Tom's Rocket Restorations channel and like it.
I have a pet peeve about people who contact you in response to an ad you run, and the first thing they ask is what is the lowest price you'll take. I take that to mean they are a lowballer trying to renegotiate your asking price on something they intend to flip.
I want to deal with someone who genuinely seems interested in owning the item I'm selling. I price leaving room to negotiate, but the selling price can be hammered out when you view the car and decide if you really are interested. If my asking price is really out of line in their mind, they should shoot their bullets elsewhere. But lowering my price first thing when someone contacts me, then no doubt have them try to beat me down from that lower price when they come out to see it, is not a road I think worth traveling when selling.
I suspect that is in line with what Tom was thinking when someone contacted him immediately offering $5000, and he let the car go for that price later when dealing with buyer who talked to him about the car in project in detail, and then agreed on that price after some respectable back and forth.