There was another thread on leasing your ride out I recall for a movie shoot that drew harsh responses. This is different in that for a video shoot, I’d be open only if I was on site to supervise. Nada, for renting out my car. Been with too many people in rental cars on biz and vacation beating the **** out of them. Lol, rent a muscle car from a private owner? Who’s going to drive it like it was stolen?
Seems more complicated IMO, if say there’s some defect found causing a crash? My car safety inspected? Yeah, by me. Legit? Maybe there’s a qualified inspection required; haven’t checked. Have to think there is. Hmm, maybe a brake failure, broken throttle spring or jammed linkage upon flooring it? Who installed it? Well I did. Protected from liability from the deceased’s family if it’s found to be a defective install? A qualified inspection going to be so fine tooth as to pick something like this out? Gee, ya know the throttle cable was installed where it could cause a bind up at some point. It’s happened to me as well as a return spring snapping.
Reminds me when I was selling my GTO. I let a guy test drive it while I was riding along; he floors it and he pulled back on the adjustable steering wheel breaking it. Guy had never driven a muscle car before. Another time a mechanic friend of my brother’s, unfamiliar with push button automatics, pulls the park lever down before the car was stopped breaking the parking sprag. No rental attraction for me..