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Happy Birthday moparedtn

 Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Ed. Glad to know you man! Hope you have an awesome day!
I actually made it to 62 eh?
Well there ya go - another "settled science" fact shot all to hell...
I really appreciate all you folks taking the time to post in this thread, I really do!
THANK YOU!!:thumbsup:

That said, I think it's high time for me to call attention to the gentlemen who has steadfastly
been starting HAPPY BIRTHDAY threads for so many members here for such a long time now -
namely, @turbine68rt STEVE!
Most early mornings when I get on here, the only way I know anyone is having a birthday is
because he has already made a thread for them and for that I'm very grateful, so thanks Steve!

View attachment 1509313
Thank you Ed!
It's usually the first thing I check when getting up at 4am for work. The qualification actually requires a formula;
(R+M)/2÷(number of posts×33 1/3)
Kidding aside, hope you had a great day!
62? What!!!
Time to retire and sign up for SS old man!

All kidding aside - hope your birthday was great, now sit outside and enjoy the views up on ridge.

Thank you Ed!
It's usually the first thing I check when getting up at 4am for work. The qualification actually requires a formula;
(R+M)/2÷(number of posts×33 1/3)
Kidding aside, hope you had a great day!
Ah, I knew it was all scientific-y! :)
One cool thing about this day is that it's the one day in the year my wife insists on cooking and such.
I need to mow (damn monsoons haven't cut us any slack around here) but she wouldn't let me on
the tractor, either.
Got a nice nap in, though. :thumbsup:
Thanks again everyone!!

Happy Birthday, Ed!!! Hope it's been a good day.

Happy Birthday.jpg
I also "celebrated" today by attempting to repair one of my old "showcases" on FBBO - an important one:
All My FBBO Heroes
The graphics had somehow gotten corrupted some time ago; however, I was able to resurrect the old pics
I had originally generated off another drive and have now uploaded them again.
Hope it's legible!
So I'm over at the local tire store (part of a little regional chain of like 6 locations) with the Charger R/T....
yes, that's usually her car - but she's managed to find a rock just off the side of our country road (imagine
that - rock outcroppings on the sides of mountain ridges! Go figger....) and has damaged one of the $$$
20" factory rims on the car.
The kind of rim that junkyards want $300-$500 for and Ma wants a $Grand for new:
I do my usual overkill online searching and manage to locate one an hour away for $50. Yay!
We head up to Bristol last Saturday and fetch the rim. Real nice fella, rim looks great.
Thankfully, the high dollar Michelin on it was not hurt - and it's time for the ol' rotate and balance
anyways, so...off to the tire store I go.

As I wander around the place, an elderly gentlemen in bib overalls comes in and we do the usual
nod of respect towards each other, the way folks do around here when you don't know someone
but you want to be friendly anyways.
"How ya doin'?", that sort of thing...
Then it occurs to me that I need to stop pacing and sit down with the fella in that otherwise empty
waiting room; don't ask me why this sort of thing happens to me, it just does and I don't ignore it
anymore when it does.
Come to find out, he's terminal with a brain tumor he's been carrying for a decade - but there's
almost a glow to him; it's amazing, really.
Such a nice felow, very kind and soft-spoken - and he's wanting to chat.

Used to be when I'd get "sent", I'd question it - wonder if it was actually what I thought it was.
I don't anymore. Now, I know it when I'm presented with it and refusing to answer the call is not
even an option in my mind when it comes.
So....we chat, for just as long as he wants to.
Like I got anything more important to attend to, right?
Hell no, I don't.
He even senses in me that I've been down the cancer road a time or two - how, I don't know -
but he wants to talk about that, too - so we do that for a bit.
Finally his little pickup is ready and so is the Charger, so we walk out together and he smiles and
says "God bless y'all" and waves, then drives off...
and it takes me a minute to get my shiyat together enough to do the same with the Charger.
Damn, man...

Anyways, the Charger got the usual "Ed test drive" on the way home to test the balancing job
(a quick run well into triple digits - AMERICA! FLUCK YEAH!) and the car felt fantastic as always...
and I wished we could fix people as easily as we fix cars.

Y'all be good to each other. It matters.
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