My family has had a farm or a ranch since the 1800s
when they moved here from St. Louis area, where they were 1st
my dad's mom side, have been in Calif since later 1700's, Ft Bragg area
Germans/Norwegians in the Coastal Calif. Russian fort settlement area
engineers, loggers & ship builder, farmers, later owned a fishing process
& hunting/guiding operation, in what was Klamathton Calif., Camp Lowe
they also had a crapload of land they farmed to be self sufficient
(how many acres ? not sure) that area/town now burnt to the ground
(like in the late 50's ?, I don't remember exactly) before I was born
1943 IIRC as far as you could see we owned it
next to the Klamath River
again in the 40's some time IIRC
Camp by Town in the 1930's sometime
Other 1/2 of the family my dad's Uncle's side
Had a 1,000+ acres
in/on Bethal Island, he had his own island too
he/they had all kinds of animals & grew all kinds of crops, a lot of corn
100% self sufficient, other than fuel & electricity...
Uncle Tink (& Aunt Anne), he was a retired lifer, a Soldier, she was a garment gal at Macy's
he was a Marine Lt. WWII & Korea a Maj. & then, re-upped as a Green Beret Col. during Viet Nam
He described it, like it was his way to not got to work in the city, daily
he then drove trucks/semis, when he wanted to, when not working the farm/ranch
many were for use on his own land or for hauling animals/livestock
or hauling news paper huge loads, for one of the bigger publications in the Bay Area
I think he worked harder & more fun than any other person I ever knew
sorry I don't have any digital photos of Tink's place...
My dad had a 165 acre ranch with like 40 head constantly, of prize Herefords or Angus
I had pigs, ducks, chickens, goats & Charolais bulls 4h & FFA, we had horses
someone in my family had some sort of land &/or ranch or farm until like 1997-ish
I moved to a gated community, the land was sold in 2007-ish, when I moved to Tuolumne Co.
me & dad Mothers Day parade
my pet pig Pacillio & my Morgan/Quarter horse Diamond, in my HS years, sort of hard to see well
a lot of family photos dad's collection