Newb with a view
Anyone know what the stock converter was rated at? Mine seems like 600 rpm
Give it the gas? lmao beans give me the gas lol It idles in drive around 400-550 roughly If I give it gas it will just smoke the tires and go to 5k well at least with my lead foot.
A trans shop seemed to think the stock stall was 1400 It feels like 600 cuz it surges like let me outta here now kinda thing, I am hoping to help my idle by installing a 1800 stall.
If I had to guess, Id say stock was around 1600.
Of course, it depends on your motor.
Just curious, and maybe I missed it, but what cam did you go with for that big *** stroker? And what gears you running in that 8 3/4?
Finally, what are you looking to do with the car? Street? Strip? All out race?
Put you foot on the brake, watch the tach. hold the car hit the throttle see what RPM it flashes to, before moving the car or spinning the tires, that is your effective stall speed, more torque you have & more gear (lower) the less effect of the flash, you need a looser converter (smaller diameter higher RPM) with the steeper (lower) the gears to an extent, what is you freeway cruising speed, RPM wise, get a converter in that RPM range if your going to drive it on the street a lot... like someone else said earlier, call an expert in the field, Happy hunting...
Not sure anyone has addressed this..but you seem to be expecting a better idle by increasing converter stall speed to 2100....Not going to happen...When you put it into drive from park, you're gunna see the same 100 to 150 rpm drop in engine speed with corresponding load on the engine.
That's the way my 2400 stall converter works...can't tell any difference in idle load from stock...
I'm not sure what's happening...if I plug your cam into the Camquest program for my engine, I see the same idle characteristics and stall recommendations as the cam I'm running(21-224-4 Hydraulic).
What is your initial timing ? Are you running vacuum advance ? Timed port or full time vacuum ?
Our engines are similiar(505 Stroker) so let's see where setup differs...