not really, the High amps alt are not the culprit, but the lack of power coming from stock alts. this made constantly suck from the batt and when revving up, alternator began to source the car requirements but also the batt recharging procces. This is like another sucker device. Packard terminals are not able to hold this extra load. Barelly are able to support 30-35 amps of constant loads of the car functions, which when batt is getting recharged, increases to maybe 60 when reving up. If you keep the batt out of the game to source what alternator is not able to source at iddle, won't become later on a sucker either, so the load requirements will kept on just the car demands.
and if you think on several accesories adds on have beeing attached to the batt post ( wrong procedement when you have an ammeter ), this increases loads going through the ammeter without need for that. Every add on to the car when you have ammeter mujst be sourced from alt side of the charging system.
your car will need the same amperage no matter the source. If you need 50 amps and the alt is not able to source it, it will still suck 50 amps from wherever comes... alt and batt combined. If your alt is able to source 80 amps, and your car sucks 50 amps, the alt will source just those 50 amps. You can get 500 amps alt and your car will keep sucking the same. The alt will provide just what is needed. Amperes are not pushed in by the source but sucked out by the device per its needs. You only need to guarantee the good source for it.
is juts like having your cellphone being charged at your AC wall outlet ( which sucks maybe 1 amp ) the same than a hair dryer ( which could be on a 10-12 amps rate ) and both are on a line protected by a 20 amps breaker and a 16 amps Wall outlet. Your cellphone won't be broken by a 20 amps line.
or using a car example... the same batt is able to move your starter motor ( maybe 120-150 amps? maybe a bit more depending on starter and engine specs? ) will also light up your dome light ( maybe 1 amp ? ) and your dome light won't burnt, neither its wiring, because is conected to a 500, 600, 900 amps battery.
AND the bulkhead bypass ( complete bypass or a parallel path to the existant one ) between alt and amm will increase the load paths efficiency to source without burnt anything.
after all these years, the ammeter check and mantenience is a must too.
MUST SAY, this is just a plain and simpe way to say and understand it. There are more involved on the science of this, but the final result of the charging system can be read it just like this.