Thanks for the link. Full time / part time, it doesn't matter. Your still a fellow brother. Stay safe. It's a crazy world out there.
Thanks. It took me a long while to get the setup that I have now. I'm very fortunate to have it, but I don't forget where I came from. I can remember back in the day..... Laying on my back under a car (in the sand) lifting up a greasy transmission by hand so that I could put it back in the car. At 2AM...........while getting eaten alive my mosquitos and burned by the drop light. Just so I could drive my car to work in the morning...... Ah, those were the days!!!! LOL
That top picture is freaking me out. It's obviously upside down but what did you do stretch it length ways? Car is looking sweet though.
What were you doing hanging upside down from the rafters at an angle to the front windshield LOL. At first I thought it was taken through a sunroof but realized that's not what was going on.
Sorry about that!!! I took the pictures with my phone and didn't rotate them properly before I posted them. ( then it was too late to change). My ankles still hurt from hanging from the rafters!!! LolWelcome aboard, nice work. I thought the same thing, was taken thru a sunroof at first..LOL.
Sorry about that!!! I took the pictures with my phone and didn't rotate them properly before I posted them. ( then it was too late to change). My ankles still hurt from hanging from the rafters!!! LolWelcome aboard, nice work. I thought the same thing, was taken thru a sunroof at first..LOL.