Well-Known Member
Hi all, another cry for help here...
I'm so frustrated and upset. I decided to bleed the brakes and made everything worse...
1970 Coronet DRUM/DRUM
Here's what happened so far:
-I started bleeding the brakes and it stopped bleeding. I decided to try an air suction and managed to suck some old fluid but then stopped again.
Went to master cylinder to complete and decided to suck all the old fluid from there as well....
Result is no fluid coming from anywhere...
I realized I made a mistake sucking the master cylinder and "bench bleed" it in place, connected the lines back but still nothing...
Now I removed it....
-I replaced ALL wheel cylinders.
-New flexis on the front
-Master cylinder has a new repair kit and it has been bench tested and it has a good pressure.
I'm thinking of sucking the lines from there it attaches to the master cylinder, would that make any difference? Or the opposite, suck the line from rear wheel?
When I reinstall the master cylinder should I bleed just pumping ONCE or the usual 3 times and hold?
Any possibility the distribution block is stuck somehow? Anbd if so, what should I do?
Can't bleed any of the cylinders...
I've been trying to sort this for the past 3 days, don't know what else to do...
THank you so much,.
I'm so frustrated and upset. I decided to bleed the brakes and made everything worse...
1970 Coronet DRUM/DRUM
Here's what happened so far:
-I started bleeding the brakes and it stopped bleeding. I decided to try an air suction and managed to suck some old fluid but then stopped again.
Went to master cylinder to complete and decided to suck all the old fluid from there as well....
Result is no fluid coming from anywhere...
I realized I made a mistake sucking the master cylinder and "bench bleed" it in place, connected the lines back but still nothing...
Now I removed it....
-I replaced ALL wheel cylinders.
-New flexis on the front
-Master cylinder has a new repair kit and it has been bench tested and it has a good pressure.
I'm thinking of sucking the lines from there it attaches to the master cylinder, would that make any difference? Or the opposite, suck the line from rear wheel?
When I reinstall the master cylinder should I bleed just pumping ONCE or the usual 3 times and hold?
Any possibility the distribution block is stuck somehow? Anbd if so, what should I do?
Can't bleed any of the cylinders...
I've been trying to sort this for the past 3 days, don't know what else to do...
THank you so much,.
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