please help . i have a Mallory 2557701 dual - point dist. on a 1966 - 361 v8 , when i try to put new points in , same gap and dwell as the old ones , ( to spec ) the car will not start . i have used both the 25042 and 25042X points , same result , when i put the old points back in , the car starts every time . what is happening here ? is it a problem with the condenser ? why would only the old points work ? i have tried one new set one old , no start . i've tried different gaps and dwells , no start . i really need help with this as the old points are pretty much used up and i need to get this through inspection . help help help ! i know i know , get a new electronic ingnition , but i can't right now as i am almost completely broke , and it would work fine if i could get some new points to work . anybody EVER heard of this happening ? thanks -jon