Darrell, I responded to your email. The factory part number is 2932230. They have been on the NS1 list for over two years now and years ago, they would come and go with availability from Chrysler as they was used up to 1993.
At this time, I do not foresee Chrysler bringing them back into production. Be very cautious about buying these pieces as vendors will use the reproduction part number CHRY32230, leading you to believe that your purchasing the NOS seals. I would only purchase them if the were still packaged in the original package.
If you find a set of the real seals, expect to pay $350 to $600 for a pair of them if the buyer know what he has. You may luck into a single or a pair if your patient, but they are almost impossible to find. If you know what your looking at, you can detect the difference between the two.
The reproductions are usable , but super fragile. I recommend having two people to assist with the installation and use your old ones as a guide for the pin placement. Also, cut the reproduction pieces slightly shorter than the originals.
As stated in the Classic ad, some of the reproduction glass is much wavier than the original glass. This will cause the channel liner to bind up and then tear. At basically $45 to $50 per piece, plus a tedious job to do, it is not something to be done over.