Twas the nite before Christmas
And all through the lot
Rows of chebbies & ferds
With all kind of rot
My crew had all left
Twas the end of the day
Nothing left to pull
I should be on my way
My skid steer in the bay
My big loader out back
Shut down my computer
Then such a loud crack
Look out the office window
On the new fallen snow
What the heck was that noise
Surely I did not know
An then very softly
I heard a faint sound
Kind of a low rumble
Not a rattily pound
Then I looked in the yard
In search of the clatter
I knew that great sound
So why did it matter
I looked down the rows
To the end of the road
A guy in red, on the end
Carryin a big load
It came to me fast
Like a hit in the head
The sound was a HEMI
That powered his sled
I knew it I knew it
As he took his big boot
He gave it some rev's
It was such a hoot
He said to me
BIGS, an ol' MOPAR guy
I was scoping your Chally
On the 4th of July
When I saw your HEMI
Knew we were in sync
Those guys with those ricer's
That raise such a stink
And I know that Miss NIKKI
Is tucked in her bed
Come check out my HEMI
That powers this sled
I went an I looked
My eyes open wide
No 426 in this big red ride
472 no 528, no it was bigger
And it was just great
Blown an injected, hauls all kind of freight
We chatted a little
An BIGS was in luck
The guy with the beard
Left BIGS MOPAR bucks
He said just go
To your favorite vendor
This will cover the cost
Wether carb tire or fender
I thanked him politely
We fist bumped that night
That fat guy in red
Was a real delight
He said I gotta hit it
Many places to go
But I had to stop by your shop
MOPAR guy's don't you know
As he hopped in his sled
And revved it that night
He dropped it in gear
Mega burn-out alright
HEMI holidays BIGS
And have a great night
Said Merry Christmas to all
As he flew out of sight

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