Being a young guy without a whole lot of extra cash, I don’t have the nicest, newest, shiniest stuff. I make do with what I can do, and I’m pretty damn proud of what I have. I’m very mechanically inclined, I can build engines, suspensions. It’s electrical that confuses me sometimes. And I haven’t had much experience with fine tuning.
I use to go to car shows, and I’d hear the same thing from the older guys “why aren’t young guys into cars,”
Then they walk over to my car, which I’m pretty freaking lucky I found a GTX. But then I hear “it’s junk,” “it’s not nice enough,” “you need to sell it because you’re not taking care of it.”
Or you get the people like
@MOPAR MARTY that bitch when someone asks a question about something they don’t know about, even if they are miss reading what you post and don’t know what they’re talking about.
But when you’re out driving your car, or you’re stopped at a gas station or store, people are so much happier seeing your car. I believe in the philosophy “drag your junk out of the garage, don’t get it right, get it running, and drive it,”