Holy Cow.......where did that come from?

Holy Cow.......where did that come from?
Thanks again for your help. CheersI can confirm that after talking with my friendly painter, he saw the exact same holes on his son's '69 Coronet. He had asked me at the time about the holes (now that I think back) but I couldn't offer any good advice or opinions. It is possible that this was a factory specific method of panel alignment during the chassis welding process. I'm not sure if I saved the pictures he sent me a few years ago.....but they look almost the same from memory.
He ended up just hammering the area to shape and Tigging the holes up. No point in allowing water to get in the car from the rear well.
So yes, they are factory holes......probably only happened at one plant.
Could well be. I am going to refit the seat back and see if a bolt with a washer would hold the seat in. Thanks for your helpI'm thinking its a clip to retain the seat back - and yes, I know the tab is there but maybe that year model attached differently than other b-bodies.
Also, I think the tab is welded in the wrong place - I believe it should be welded on that stamped flat spot that's above it. So maybe those holes are a factory fix ???
Yea mines punched from the inside out. And is in the inner wheelhouse. Strange one but im determined to find out why its there. Finding the photo i got of it pre strip showing a bolt and nut in the outer wheel well make me think its retaining something on the inside there. CheersCoincidentally, on Monday, I was under my car trying to find out where gas was leaking from the sender. I had the garage door and the trunk lid open. I noticed light coming through a hole near the top center of the right side wheel well. I just checked the hole and it does appear to have been punched from outside inward. I don’t see a hole on the inside, maybe it’s hidden by brace.