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Hollywood Strike Enters Third Month Of Proving World Doesn't Need Hollywood

Richard Cranium

FBBO Gold Member
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9:40 AM
Feb 20, 2012
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Jul 19, 2023
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LOS ANGELES, CA — As writers and actors continue to strike against the insatiable greed of the studio executives who have oppressed them for years, The world is now in its third month of realizing they're just fine without Hollywood.

"At first I was worried, but then I remembered that Hollywood doesn't really contribute anything of meaningful value to the world whatsoever," said one local woman. "Without Hollywood, I can still go outside, spend time with my kids, and catch up on decades worth of classic films that are much better than anything they make today!"
"Thanks for helping me see the light, WGA!"

Experts believe that with writers and actors on strike, many people will spend less time watching remakes, reboots, and Marvel sequels and instead be involved in activities that enrich the mind and give life to the soul. "This is an absolute catastrophe," said Disney President Bob Iger. "Without the ability to turn the minds of your children into quivering blobs of inert pudding, we're finished."

At publishing time, the world breathed another sigh of relief upon realizing the strike would prevent any sequels to Greta Gerwig's Barbie.
I'm good if the strike lasts 10-20 years. Hopefully big biz execs and anyone else that figures they need more than $1m a year to live can go on strike next.
As a person that worked in the television production industry all of my life till I retired in 2016, I have a bit of a different opinion on this. Actors and writers on strike, although small part of the overall that goes into making movies and TV shows, do make their contributions to the final product, but... it goes a lot deeper than just them. I would think that many of us that go to a movie head for the doors as soon as the credits come on and never realize how many people it truly takes to make a movie or TV show. The "top end folks" producers and actors get the top billing and maybe consist of a hand full of names ( all very rich). They are followed by names hundreds of others who's incomes and lives depend on the process of making movies and TV shows. Everything from sound, lighting, grips ,camera operators, special effects, senic and set construction, props, costumes, stunts, musicians, post production, caterers, logistics, drivers, painters and countless others. Some of these support folks make good money but many probably make no more than most of us do. Just count the total names in the the credits, it takes a huge head count of people to pull it off, and as long as this strike continues those hundreds of folks are left with no work and no income as long as the actor and writers guild strike continues.
I certainly agree that the movie and TV stars and executives at these big show biz companies are certainly compensated at ridiculous $$ levels, but so is the rest of executives of just about any industry or business in the US or around the world and that's never going to change. As for the writers, If you take the time to truly understand the issues, they really don't make that much. Most are "freelance" and are not full time employees of any of the big movie company or TV network and get medical benefits on their own or thru the labor unions they are affiliated with with some $ contribution required.
The TV entertainment industry is really in trouble. Hundreds of TV channels on cable and streaming services now rapidly being taken over by more viewership than any given TV network. AI is a single big issue with the actors and writers as well as how residuals are paid. If you have read up and seen what this AI stuff is capable of, you will understand how the big entertainment companies will certainly use it to eliminate as many jobs as they can.
I don't like the fats cats and what the are paid any more than many of you do, but if you take the time to truly understand the issues that those on strike have with the entertainment industry, you might have better perspective on the "why" of all this. Just sayin.....
My wholehearted sympathy for the "average Joe/Joan" in the jobs you've mentioned. Are the overpaid bigwigs and actors/actresses just as concerned for them ? Maybe the Tom Cruises and Susan Sarandons can contribute to a strike fund for the affected workers. Not holding my breath, I don't think they really give a rat's *** about them.
How Convenient that the "strike" is on, as "The Sound of Freedom" is Smashing the Hollywood scene to Pieces !!!
We DON'T Need ANY of Them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drove by one of the studios and they were all laughing, blasting music, they even had a live band. I’ll see if I can post the pic because I was surprised that it was a strike since it looked more like a party

Then when I made the left turn I saw nothing but teslas on the side streets lol I’m sure they’re struggling.
My point was that there are hundreds of folks beyond the actors and writers that are not going to be able to work due to the strike. I would certainly agree that some of the big money stars, can afford to, and should help those behind the scenes that make the big paychecks possible. They should and could help all the hundred of those I mentioned, but you know won't.
My point was that there are hundreds of folks beyond the actors and writers that are not going to be able to work due to the strike. I would certainly agree that some of the big money stars, can afford to, and should help those behind the scenes that make the big paychecks possible. They should and could help all the hundred of those I mentioned, but you know won't.
Those Big Name Fakes, that are Always Speaking Out, for the Less Fortunate, and Those in Need, are Also VERY QUIET about the Child Trafficking, and Abuse.
I Wonder WHY ?????????????????
Fat-Cats, producers, big $$$ stars/actors, sponsors :blah:
(mostly all a specific religious sect., or Scientology BS now too,
it's all a very clicky bunch
making $10-$50 million ++ or more on a film !!!
They all need to spread 'their wealth'...
Put their $$, were their mouth/s is/are...

It's still Union BS
(Democrats supported, Adam Schiffless was protesting with them, surprised Hussein Owebowelmovement wasn't too)
It's a HUGE part of why movies are so expensive to see now
all of that, it drives the cost of everything up severely...
IMO it's just not worth it, when it can be done far cheaper or better...

As much as I dislike them (Fat-Cats & Celebrities or Big Labor Unions)
or AI BS, & I can't blame the owners to want to make a profit,
being able to do it more streamlined...
That's the American way :usflag:
take it out of the star's pay or producers' pay
not raise the price to see & make the film/tv shows...

Most everything on TV is 'reality ****' now
(I only watch a select few Full Custom Garage, Iron Resurrection, Graveyard Cars,
Street Outlaws NPK Mega Cash Days, Restoration Garage, on MotorTrend & Discovery
or Alone & American Pickers on History
mostly all private projects, sold to networks...
Not sure they're union or affiliated at all...

I don't support them (SAG or SGA/WGA) it's their chosen vocation
they get so much credit on all the god damn awards shows
live with your choices
I have too
everyone else also has too

Why ? should the Hollyweirdos, SAG actors/aftra & SGA writers
or no matter the pee-ons under them griefs/beefs'
or others under them too, lower pee-ons levels, get any special treatment

I worked as a carpenter short term on a set (Hardcastle & McCormick)
with my buddy Jim's B-I-L, he got me a job, I was reluctant
it was decent pay (I made better doing my own deal)
with a shitload of standing around & waiting
with spells of panic, gotta get it done right now, fast & unsafe
to get **** done, poor management, actors people taking care of them
all stood or sat round
most of the rest of the "film crew" didn't do **** either unless actually filming
a lot of middle mgmt, Chiefs & no Indians mentality,
so they (or I saw) thought...
I did it from like April or May (?) 1983 - Sept. (?) IIRC,
I hated it !!!
What a total clusterfuck at the highest levels...
The stuntmen were pretty cool, and the setups/building for that stuff,
was sort of cool and interesting, but boring, wasted time all over !!!
Then moments of panic to get it done, right or wrong, before light was lost... :blah:
100's if not thousands of man hrs, wasted, way more people than needed...
Mantra is;
That's not in my job description, go get so & so...

Just a 'Huge Pyramid scheme'...
Those at the top make big $$$ & get all the credit fame...
Peons gets scraps...

do something else if you don't like it

I have a hard time feeling sorry for people that stay in a situation
they know is like that, or of their own decision making/s...

As someone that owned my own business/s, (several over the years)
I knew waste when I saw it...
Plenty of ways to trim costs, unionized labor just standing around 'constantly',
is 'one big one'...
(The Union Way, 3 or 4 people doing all the work & 10 people watching them)...

if it's not working out, go elsewhere

Wall of Text Batman -shut up Robin he was talking.jpg
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hundreds of folks beyond the actors and writers that are not going to be able to work due to the strike
Could be an issue some have their fast opinions on while not knowing squat about it. Such as unions are bad. Knowing the history, it’s no mystery why they evolved and were the development of a middle class which many don’t realize have made their lives comfier today. This only started to blossom with the gen prior to boomers. Decent wages, working conditions, 40-hour workweek, vacation days, bene’s. More people could buy a 2nd car, homes, etc. America became a world power during this time. Was a miserable history though for the people before us who battled for it.

How many would go to work with an employer who says “We have 12 hour workdays, no OT, no vacation or holidays, no WC...nada thing.” Lol wait, I did when I started my biz.

Granted, there’s enough to knock about unions having some particular protections IMO that are/were overboard. One is dumping poor-performing workers, another was nutty lockup with job classifications. Ask me how I got a fine closeup on this. If anyone may have read up on how workers were royally screwed and were not going to get squat without the strikes they had – could wonder what norms we give no thought to today, might not be. Look up the Pittsburgh Death calendar and Triangle Shirt factory fire as just some assessment of what our ancestors had-had enough of to get pissed about..
Dang thought you had me on ignore cuz ya don’t like me? Class viz response though to say something about that dude above that is supposed to resemble something anywhere near the point..
As a person that worked in the television production industry all of my life till I retired in 2016, I have a bit of a different opinion on this. Actors and writers on strike, although small part of the overall that goes into making movies and TV shows, do make their contributions to the final product, but... it goes a lot deeper than just them. I would think that many of us that go to a movie head for the doors as soon as the credits come on and never realize how many people it truly takes to make a movie or TV show. The "top end folks" producers and actors get the top billing and maybe consist of a hand full of names ( all very rich). They are followed by names hundreds of others who's incomes and lives depend on the process of making movies and TV shows. Everything from sound, lighting, grips ,camera operators, special effects, senic and set construction, props, costumes, stunts, musicians, post production, caterers, logistics, drivers, painters and countless others. Some of these support folks make good money but many probably make no more than most of us do. Just count the total names in the the credits, it takes a huge head count of people to pull it off, and as long as this strike continues those hundreds of folks are left with no work and no income as long as the actor and writers guild strike continues.
I certainly agree that the movie and TV stars and executives at these big show biz companies are certainly compensated at ridiculous $$ levels, but so is the rest of executives of just about any industry or business in the US or around the world and that's never going to change. As for the writers, If you take the time to truly understand the issues, they really don't make that much. Most are "freelance" and are not full time employees of any of the big movie company or TV network and get medical benefits on their own or thru the labor unions they are affiliated with with some $ contribution required.
The TV entertainment industry is really in trouble. Hundreds of TV channels on cable and streaming services now rapidly being taken over by more viewership than any given TV network. AI is a single big issue with the actors and writers as well as how residuals are paid. If you have read up and seen what this AI stuff is capable of, you will understand how the big entertainment companies will certainly use it to eliminate as many jobs as they can.
I don't like the fats cats and what the are paid any more than many of you do, but if you take the time to truly understand the issues that those on strike have with the entertainment industry, you might have better perspective on the "why" of all this. Just sayin.....
You could apply the same logic to Car Restoration.......Richard Rawlings gets all the credit and plaudits when he turns out an amazing build. But reality tells us that it was the 3 Mexican labourers doing all the heavy lifting, sanding and trowelling to get the body nice that deserve some credit also.
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America not only doesn't need hollywood, it should be actively looking to remove the top 10% of hollywood from our country.
I feel for the blue collar grunts that get to do all the real work, they aren't the ones going on camera and making people more stupid for listening to what comes out of their sadistic mouths.
But they chose to be part of that scuzz-hole, and they can leave if they want. John did.
i've not watched tv programs since 2000 or cable either .the programing is just crap . just buy dvd n blurays and now ultra blu's . just upgraded our screen to a new sony brava unit . and started re-watching the cabinets of movies , and the new screen pulls you right in with that 3d . so it's like seeing them for the first time again .
probably some nice cars there , other then that useless .. gave up on tv few years ago started with the sports kneeling debacle, now with all the bad vibes i’m done with the movie and the stars who make em ….
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