On March 2 this year, the
Belvedere was at the Mosher shop for some service work when the son of a former employee decided to take the $59,000 stock car for a final ride.
According to Bob Mosher, the young man had had a problem with methamphetamines but everyone believed he had gotten past his addiction: he had a good job, a girl friend and money in the bank.
In what some believe was an attempt at suicide, he got the shop key and alarm code from his dad and got in while the Mosher crew was away for a few days. Having gained entry into the shop, he broke into a lock box where the vehicle keys are stored, unlocked a non-running car that was parked in front of the Belvedere and rolled into the parking lot while his girlfriend tried to stop him.
He then got into the Belvedere, fired it up, floored it and flew out of the parking lot. He blew through traffic signals, eventually getting the car up to an estimated 150 miles per hour as he traveled west into neighboring Arcadia. He then drove the car up over a curb, bounced off a tree, knocked down a telephone pole and crashed through a triple cinderblock wall.
He never backed off the throttle.
Clinically dead at the scene, paramedics were able to resuscitate him. All of his teeth were knocked out and he broke some 25 bones. He has undergone 40 surgeries and will require more before he can physically lead a normal life.
The Belvedere, of course, was destroyed. From the B-pillar forward, it’s hard to tell the scrambled wreckage was ever a car.