Well-Known Member
Thank you, for taking the time to explain that in detail. Yeah, you’re right. That’s my problem, all internet access I have is on my phone. EBay’s format is not friendly to phone users. Hell, they don’t allow you to list a vehicle for sale from a phone. But, they’ll let me buy one from a phone, lol ! EBay has a lot of double standards. All the rules protect them and no one else.You search the item I find it best to do on my laptop rather than my phone it seems eBay isn't necessarily phone friendly once the item comes up with items for sale you click on the sort and the filter there's two different ones sort and filter one of them includes expired listings and sold listings and it'll show you what expired over the course of the past so much time and what has sold over the course of the past so much time sometimes you'll find some that have sold will still be available for sale meaning that sale didn't go through but it can be a wealth of knowledge if you're willing to keep clicking