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How I fund my MOPAR addiction

I charged 350 for most of these deer, gonna have to raise my price to 400 this year. The big buck scored 155 he has a 20 1/2" inside spread. Ive thought about trying pinstriping, and that chevelle looks awesome!
Sorry to hear that Bruzilla, I have a pretty good turn around time. This is a hobby for me so Im not slammed all the time. It provides enough for me to tinker with my RR. Satman I gave up on that a long time ago, but its nice to dream!

Well, if I come across another wolf cape at a decent price, you might hear from me. :) What we're trying to do is make a werewolf from the movie Dog Soldiers for our Halloween collection. We were going to use a mask for the head, but if you ever see that movie, the werewolf heads are based on a real wolf's head, so I need a wolf's head that I can mate to a human body. Problem is since only a few wolf skins are legal, they get expensive. I've thought about using a coyote skin, but I think they would be too small.
I was wondering how others fund or work out budgeting with their loved one for their projects....


I'm able to fund mine a little at a time as a church pianist. If it weren't for something on the side, the wife and I would butt heads over funding this expensive hobby!
Boy ain't that the truth "the wife and I would but heads" we still do.
I was wondering how others fund or work out budgeting with their loved one for their projects....

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I'm able to fund mine a little at a time as a church pianist. If it weren't for something on the side, the wife and I would butt heads over funding this expensive hobby!
Here's how I kinda pay for the Satty:

Guitar pedals
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and pinstripingView attachment 98268

65 Corvair? When i was about 10, I thought my uncles 4-speed green with white interior was the coolest "sports" car there was lol... If i remember right old Ralph Nader called them "the" death trap... Great pin striping job!
Very nice work there. I used to hunt quite a bit, but never shot a "trophy".

Me, no Mopar project, but I build, repair, clean computers and small networks. And I build custom cabinets and furniture.

Not a good picture, but a Dining table and chairs.

Some cabinets in a business

A custom desk for another business.

Another more personal desk

Wow! those are some nice lookin cabinets and that table is awesome! Im in the market for both but my RR is comming first this year. I gotta get it in primer so I can do some crusing. Turkey season is just around the corner.
to start off, awesome desks and cabinets!

I pretty much just sell a few parts on the side from vehicles i either buy to part out or whatever. The problem is nothing is cheap enough to make money off of anymore so that's kinda dried up.
To buy my Belvedere, I worked summer school (I'm a teacher these days) and I renovated my wife's friend's loft, subdividing it into 2 nice bedrooms for them and their daughter (before that, they were all sleeping in the same room). Turned out great, helped some kids and our friends and got to buy my dream car. Pretty cool summer if you ask me.
Thanks for the nice comments, guys. I, too, am a teacher. I have always had to supplement my income. I used to do photography (weddings/portraits/etc), but that started to be way too much work. Then I went to construction (decks/small additions/detached garages/etc.), but that got to be a real PITA, so I narrowed my scope to Cabinetry/Furniture making.

Another, more modern built-in I built.

Another small galley kitchen I designed and custom built the Maple cabinets.

This wall used to be a closet.
Cool, I remember Chip and Dale.


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here is my way of funding my 63 + drag racing obsession

make surfboards on the side


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Very cool
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