Well-Known Member
I charged 350 for most of these deer, gonna have to raise my price to 400 this year. The big buck scored 155 he has a 20 1/2" inside spread. Ive thought about trying pinstriping, and that chevelle looks awesome!
Sorry to hear that Bruzilla, I have a pretty good turn around time. This is a hobby for me so Im not slammed all the time. It provides enough for me to tinker with my RR. Satman I gave up on that a long time ago, but its nice to dream!
I was wondering how others fund or work out budgeting with their loved one for their projects....
View attachment 98392
I'm able to fund mine a little at a time as a church pianist. If it weren't for something on the side, the wife and I would butt heads over funding this expensive hobby!
Here are some of this seasons bucks.View attachment 98250View attachment 98251
Here's how I kinda pay for the Satty:
Guitar pedals
View attachment 98265
and pinstripingView attachment 98268
Very cool
i fund my Mopars by dancing with the Chippendales on the weekendsView attachment 99494