I have seen the light, some 16-17 years ago
I gave that (collecting/hoarding) **** up years ago
I do have a shed & garage shelves, full of car ****...
I have 2 trucks, Dakota 4x4, Jeep Gladiator & 1 car my RR
I have a 2017 Chrysler 300S up in Redbluff at my sisters place,
in the garge, she's been driving it...
That just recently got crushed by a falling Oak tree, in a big storm...
A week or so ago...
& I have a POS 1977' 16' bowrider/Merc outboard fishing boat now
my dad has a sentimental attachment to, in/under the back carport
that's plenty, more than plenty
All under a carport covered or in a garage, always...
I don't & won't store stuff or hoard stuff anymore,
especially out in the elements...
I used to have a lot more room & a huge warehouse,
in Port Chicago (by Concord)
I had 6 teenage drivers, VW, Eclipse, Nissan Toyota Jeeps 4x4s,
at one point, always had a full (10 car) driveway & 5 car garage
me & Lisa all the cars, her 2 cars 84 & 89 Turbo Supra, she loved
& her horse trailer & her Jeep (I wish I kept the Jeep)
Mine were always garaged or stored inside, never spread all over
My 2 altered/s (23 t & 27 t) & whatever car was my T/S or Outlaw P/S car
many times stayed in the enclosed trailer, if I wasn't wrenching on them
mostly Camaros & Trans Ams, some 26 in total over the years
an old Ford 49 Pro-Gas, 8.50,
71 442 S/ST, 10.90,
71 Z28 S/C & S/G, 8.90/9.90,
67 or 68 Camaro S/E, 7.90
68 Charger S/ST, 10.90
69 RR Pro-Gas, 8.50
my 2-3 racecars at any time & 2 trailers, one open & one enclosed usually
usually, a tow rig, dually of some sort & later a Kodiac intermediate
my RR, Charger, Trans Am, 442, GS or Camaro 'street cars', all varied over the years
my Personal Truck, various DD Power Wagons
& my daily work truck, Usually Power Wagons
or 95 & 98 5.9 turbo diesel Power Rams 4x4s,
a few Fords here & there (not anymore)
plus all my company trucks (14 leased) all my ****
ran & drove
none of it
just sat
thank God I don't deal with that **** anymore
family cars alone were like a full-time job,
even after teaching them how to do stuff on their own
I felt like an ATM machine spitting out cash
Registration, Insurance & upkeep, cleaning & parts/tires budget
was 'freaken' insane
If that is something (storing or collecting non-running cars) you like
go for it
If I
can't even hardly drive or keep up with the (Only) 3 & a boat,
that I have now
Why the hell would I do more, want or pay for more ?
let alone store & just let them *
sit/rot or rust for decades on end
or pay reg. insurance or any upkeep *
that is necessary
I don't get it, not that part * of it anyway,
I'll get to it someday

& never rarely do
if they can't be under cover or in my garage &/or run, drive
I won't have them now...
I have a Sanford & Sons 'type' across the road from me
he drives maybe 2 or 3, he's the only driver in the house
has a lil' young daughter (like 8 y/o) & has 9-10 cars/trucks/suvs
one with a snow plow comes in handy, I will admit
3 trailers of various sizes, a old Motorhome, jetskis & snowmobiles
all stored outside in various disrepair, albeit most do drive/run...
All on probably 1.5 acres, along with the house & a detached garage...
To be honest, I'm tired/sick of looking at it, looks like a junkyard
not a collection (be fine out in the woods, or not in a development)
so are other people here, I saw he got a warning from the county
someone turned him in,
not me
to each their own