I'm a freaken' bum
I spend all my days here
I was a pretty successful contractor, servicing, remodeling, commercial properties & mainly automotive dealerships, for 25 years, pretty much everything from the front gate to the back fence & everything in-between... I was educated in architectural & mechanical engineering... put myself thru school with, many jobs, diving truck, iceman delivery service, drag & sprint-car racing, drafting , mechanical work & welding for PG&E, building houses & apartment complexes, commercial framing, plumbing, roofing, tile & concrete work, landscaping & decking etc. GC before that...
I still do select jobs but pretty much construction projects have been all but dead in my part of the industry, no discretionary income for owners any today, they are most just squeaking by, with a few exceptions, they don't spend allot of money now fearing what the new govt. & insurance reg.'s & taxes will impact their businesses, not knowing what's next from our leadership her in Calif. & DC... I still do some sub-contractor arrangements/organization for a few dealership owners, on a job to job or by selective customer basis, I do some very selective consultation, for a few loyal dealership owners for the most part now... I'm no longer under any contracts, that I had for 20 years, times are extremely slow & have been for about 6+ years since Nov. 2007 pres. election... when the housing market, 1st took a dive & many people lost everything...
I use to also own a Retail Golf Pro Shop, for selling golf equipment, fitting, club repairs, lessons & apparel... I still have a small time golf equipment repair business & teach golf very selectively, very part time work... I've been dealing with family & my fathers health stuff for quite a while now, not doing much income generation these days, but will do more this year... Thank god I was smart when I did make a ton of $$$, saved & invested well to get me thru the hard time like construction industry always goes thru out here in NorCal... sad thing is I was pretty much retired & just consulting "very part time", now it looks like at 54 y/o I will need to generate a bunch more retirement income because the last 10 years have been hard on my bank account, more spending then income generation... I traveled the US drag racing from 1981-2007, ate allot of the income up...