"STANDARD" IS QUOTA!!! "ROUTINE" traffic stop, WTH is ""ROUTINE" about it??? Slights of language, NORMAL!!!
If you were exceeding the speed limit, it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. The "but he was going faster than me" excuse is irrelevant. You hit the clock, you're pulled, you're cited. That's it.State gov DEMANDS $$$$$$ any means possible, so there ya go!!! Does this mean my "SPEEDING TICKET" from 1985 is to be refunded WITH INTEREST!!! Cop in 5.0 Mustang nailed me (center lane) instead of brown Fairmont (left lane) as we passed him set-up in center median. Going after young military guys with out-of-state plates!! Made his quota!!!
I agree 100 percent!! The big one here that should make them really think twice is the pension, that's a lifetime achievement award out the window.Any police officer that conducts him/her self in the manner indicated in this thread must be fired and indicted. Upon conviction, penalized to the full extent, then stripped of any pension benefits, and any such funds allocated for disbursement to prior parties cited by that officer, and their driving record corrected. There is ZERO reason for this conduct by an officer of the law. You are sworn to uphold the law.
When I worked with "loss prevention" insurance scumbags during my corporate trucking days, they wanted me to keep a record of every scratched fender or broken tail light. The narrative was I needed to monitor and record everything in the name of "continuous improvent," which was the "total quality management" mantra of the day. Translation - they wanted any excuse possible to raise my rates. No question the insurance industry benefits from higher ticket counts.We had a Dep Chief that wanted numbers. We fought it and said that was a quota. He said it was a “standard“. He was a douche. We actually won that one. For the most part money cites only help the insurance companies and hurts the working guy.