Warning signs;
ANY replies to your wanted / want to buy ad should be regarded with suspicion.
75% of replies to your for sale ad- scammers.
99.9 % Scam Doesn’t have the item but knows someone who does.
99% Scam wants you to reply on a different platform than you originally contacted, eg wants you to text if he originally replied via email, wants your phone number, etc.
On Facebook, a good looking 20 year old chick wants to know if you will ship that 8-3/4 housing, scam scam scam.
Anyone you deal with, look at their profile. It’s not hard to do. Guys that have been on fbbo for a few years are probably ok and there is a feed back rating. Let someone else help the new guys build their rep.
Ebay has a feedback system, I avoid anyone with less than 98% positive.
Facebook is really a jungle! Look up a persons profile before even responding. There should be some background info that supports how they represent themselves. Again, new accounts are a red flag.
I’ve been trading on the internet since before the World Wide Web (remember bulletin boards?) after all that I almost got ripped off on a major purchase (major for me) last year on Facebook. Everything looked good, sent the guy a check (risky), he cashed the check and kept putting off shipping the item. 1500 miles away, so option’s are really limited. He quit replying and started to delete info to cover his tracks. I believe he didn’t start out to scam me, but once he got the money was just going to say “screw it.”
I had to get kind of medieval, but in the end I got my items. I was really lucky though and should have been more cautious.
But when it comes to hard to find items, or good deals, or the opportunity to make some money, we tend to get excited and maybe a little greedy. That’s when you have to understand you’re taking a chance with any type of transaction and decide if the risk is worth the reward.