It appears that RC needs a trip to the vet, they have pills for that the Mrs better take him now,before he starts dragging his *** across the lawn!
They look like baby Massachusetts Anaconda's. Try some milk with them. Yum YumThe only rain we had I over the last week was a drizzle yesterday. That article doesn’t explain them dying in the driveway and street with their guts hanging out.
Picked up another 60-70 live ones in the driveway this morning. When I put them in this container, they got slimy and died. Weird.
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Did you just finish washing off your driveway with some kind of soap, cleaner, bleach? They don't like that and will come to the surface real quick.
Having just completed my 2-yearly electrical refresher course today....a thought comes to mind.I noticed several dead ones on the driveway over the weekend and when I went out to get my mail today, there are now hundreds of them. I know that they will come out when there's a lot of rain, but today's rain was only drizzle & it's the first rain we've had in a week. I went out with my backpack blower and blew them out in the street before they dry up tomorrow and stick to the blacktop. I commented about them to a lady walking her dog and she said that they are all over the street. Anyone else ever seen anything like this? It's a wormageddon!!!!
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Most of them have their guts hanging out of them like this one.....
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