Sonny Black
Well-Known Member
Ha! Small world. Don't know Kevin personally Sonny, but I've been in that place a few times for a beer and/or sandwich. I probably go through Wild Rose 20-30 times a year, being it's on route to my wife's family cottage down in Coloma. Heck, next time your up during the habitable time of year come summer, let me know..I'll swing in and buy ya a beer.
You're talking about The Pioneer Pub correct?
Prop, after the first of the year I am drinking "Diet Beer" 64 or 55.....I'm a cheap date.
I also have some land on HWY- to the little Golf course and the park not far from the shooting range. between Wautoma and Hancock... my brothers and I used to go in there (pioneer pub) more often but Yada ,yada, yada...:banana:
too much to talk about here we need to B.S. in person....would love to see that RR live!