You can invest money in the market, diamonds, bitcoins or whatever blows your dress up. To each there own. According to Reuters, one in nine of every car sold in 2021 was either a hybrid or an electric vehicle. There are 270 million registered vehicles in the US, how can that be brought to an end any time soon, easy, out right ban. The California Governor,
Gavin Newson, announced that fuel-powered cars would be banned in California. More so, the ban includes gas-electric vehicles or any motorcars with tailpipe emissions. Gas may be hard to get one day and that alone will drive the classic car owners into one of the most expensive hobbies with little return. The classic cars of today are living in the golden age of appreciation and it’s sad knowing that the future for classic cars is bleak. If you're looking to invest, look elsewhere, if you can afford to lose on the 1,2,3 or more cars that you thought were going to carry you to the death bed, you stand a better chance if you read my first sentence again or die soon. As for me, I've made the statement many time, I drive my car all the time and I'm not saving it for a return on my dollar, I don't with my new cars and I'm not about to start with my 65. I have no idea how hard they will push this issue. They may say those that have them, can keep and drive them. Again, I have no idea and I for one don't trust our government to go out of their way to make me happy, with millions fighting, maybe. I don't have the time left in my life to go rouge over a car. All I ever wanted out of my life was to be left alone to enjoy the fruits of my labor and I'm doing that as we speak. I will say that those of you that can't or won't bet on the market to save money and choice a car instead, good luck........ we'll see, only time will tell.