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Idiots cutting me off

When I am coming home from Chicago (6 hrs) or KC (7hrs) I get impatient with people in the left lane running 67 in and 65 mph zone talking on their phones or texting. I don't understand people that use cruise in the left lane.
I had a women blow by me while I was in the right lane and just as she was passing me a car crossed traffic from the other side of the road and got into her (left) lane effectively blocking her. I saw that she was boxed in so I slowed down as she put her brakes on and started to sway back and forth as she was not going to stop in time. I gave her an escape route so she nearly runs into the back of the slower moving car that just entered the lane and she gets in the the right lane in front of me. She then cuts around the car and gets back in the left lane and I, thinking I did a good deed, start to speed back up to speed about 50 MPH in a 40 MPH remain in the right lane.I start to pass her and she flips me off. I laughed (tinted windows) and continue down the road. We get to the stop light and she yells "Mother F**cker, you just got beat by a 14 year old car, Mother F**ucker". Now, there is a ten year old boy in the back of her car as she is flipping me off, laughing hysterically and swearing at me. I have no idea why she decided we were in a race and why she thinks a 2000 Volvo station wagon was faster than my 2014 Jeep SRT with 470 HP. Crazy magnet.
JEEZ talk about ignorant intolerant foul mouthed liberals she takes the cake..looks like she has eaten a few of them as well! As my hero Charlie Brown often said
You sir need to keep your opinions about what you think liberals are or are not on the forum that is designated for you and yours. I dont know were you get the ideas about who likes old muscle cars and who does not. The woman in that video is a crackpot and she is like a lot of crackpots i see and trust me there not all liberals

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JEEZ talk about ignorant intolerant foul mouthed liberals she takes the cake..looks like she has eaten a few of them as well! As my hero Charlie Brown often said

Would you say the member who called obama "buckwheat" had a foul mouth? Or maybe the one who wondered if the Clinton daughter would abort her pregnancy had a foul mouth? KEEP YOUR COMMENTS WERE THEY BELONG ON THE FORUM THE MODERATOR PROVIDED YOU WITH
Excuse me!!!! The title said "sounds like another old car hating liberal" I agree with that opinion and I am entitled to it. In addition she cursed and said GD and had to be asked not to use that language in front of the womans children. She was in fact foul mouthed!! I stand by my statement and the right to make it. If your offended well too bad. You do not have the right to not be offended.
You sir need to keep your opinions about what you think liberals are or are not on the forum that is designated for you and yours. I dont know were you get the ideas about who likes old muscle cars and who does not. The woman in that video is a crackpot and she is like a lot of crackpots i see and trust me there not all liberals

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Would you say the member who called obama "buckwheat" had a foul mouth? Or maybe the one who wondered if the Clinton daughter would abort her pregnancy had a foul mouth? KEEP YOUR COMMENTS WERE THEY BELONG ON THE FORUM THE MODERATOR PROVIDED YOU WITH

Steve, yet again, you are taking too much out of context. As I said before, you really need to read posts more carefully and try to understand what others are meaning with out your own views slanting what others say. And I mean this sincerely.
Excuse me!!!! The title said "sounds like another old car hating liberal" I agree with that opinion and I am entitled to it. In addition she cursed and said GD and had to be asked not to use that language in front of the womans children. She was in fact foul mouthed!! I stand by my statement and the right to make it. If your offended well too bad. You do not have the right to not be offended.
The rules you need to abide my them. What makes you think your opinion is more important than what the moderator has clearly stated? The woman in that video is a foul mouth bitch and that guy had more restraint than i would of. Nobody gets in my face,is that clear nobody. It has nothing to do with being a liberal. You need to get over this mindset that because someone has liberal leaning views there a no good POS. How would you repsond if i told the story(true) about some asshole who pulled out in front of me while i was driving my mint 77 MG. I nearly t-boned the guy. I put that car sideways trying to stop. Three years work down the drain is all i thought and guess what i saw when i pulled behind him a McCain/Plain sticker. What if i posted what a republican conservitive foul mouth shithead he was. You and your buddies would be foaming at the mouth. Tell the truth its Easter sunday

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Steve, yet again, you are taking too much out of context. As I said before, you really need to read posts more carefully and try to understand what others are meaning with out your own views slanting what others say. And I mean this sincerely.

All i ask is that the rules be followed. You refuse to see any other side than your own. The inplications made are very clear"foul mouth liberal"
Sir you do not know me and to say I would be "foaming at the mouth" shows how you yourself stereotype conservatives. I have a thick skin and believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is that anyone stating like she did that his vehicle was a gas guzzling piece of S**t is likely a liberal and she was in fact foul mouthed. In addition I would be far from foaming at the mouth and most likely laughing my butt off at your proposed statement. Get a grip!! You have a thin skin. You are not the moderator by the way!
Sir you do not know me and to say I would be "foaming at the mouth" shows how you yourself stereotype conservatives. I have a thick skin and believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is that anyone stating like she did that his vehicle was a gas guzzling piece of S**t is likely a liberal and she was in fact foul mouthed. In addition I would be far from foaming at the mouth and most likely laughing my butt off at your proposed statement. Get a grip!! You have a thin skin. You are not the moderator by the way!
never said you would be foaming at the mouth did i . So its ok for you to be offended by not me,do i have it correct .

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never said you would be foaming at the mouth did i . So its ok for you to be offended by not me,do i have it correct .

BTW i do not think of conservitives like that,i know many and there very good people and friends. I was making a point.
Actually you did say in your post "you and your buddies would be foaming at the mouth"
Re read your statement. Now go away. I am done with this childishness. I stand by my opinion and my right to express it.
Happy Easter.
One more thing,this woman if she voted or had any political affilations could very well be liberal but what does that prove? I look at a person as a person not the way they vote. If there a POS foul mouthed asshole than thats what they are and there party affilatiion don't come into play. All i ask is that you at least try and understand that much. Don't lump me up with these kind. You say i dont know you,thats true. You could be the best neighbor,friend or co-worker and if you knew the kind of person i try and be you'd know the same about me. Now sorry for the bad feelings it Easter Sunday and lets forget it if thats ok. Enjoy yourself with your family
One more thing,this woman if she voted or had any political affilations could very well be liberal but what does that prove? I look at a person as a person not the way they vote. If there a POS foul mouthed asshole than thats what they are and there party affilatiion don't come into play. All i ask is that you at least try and understand that much. Don't lump me up with these kind. You say i dont know you,thats true. You could be the best neighbor,friend or co-worker and if you knew the kind of person i try and be you'd know the same about me. Now sorry for the bad feelings it Easter Sunday and lets forget it if thats ok. Enjoy yourself with your family
Like you said "keep that in the political forum", it's you making it out to something it's not intended to be, get over it... SISteve, your whining/complaining in every section now... is that all your here for ??, Your making all kinds of friends right & left around here in all forums now "aren't you" {that's sarcasm if you can't tell}, even in the Gold Members forum you pull this crap too, instigating, stirring the pots, antagonizing others because they use a word or phrase & baiting people into this stuff... IMHFO you sir are the only one being offensive... WTH is Liberal a bad word now ??, freaken PC police... If it is a bad word to you, it's you that has an issue, not the others, you should probably quit telling other people what they can & can't say, get a thicker skin & move on or just ignore them... Let the moderators issue the rules & warnings, not you... I don't always practice what I preach either... my $0.02 cents Happy Easter to all
............I was going to get more into it with him, but I noticed he was gay (lisp) and I decided to drop it. A bright yellow 45 year old car gets a lot of attention...some good and some bad.

OK, so I have assembled an identity parade for you buddy.....


Must be one of these guys :icon_rolleyes:
Bud i posted to you on the other forum,i was/am waiting to hear from you. This post is almost word for word what you said on the "Gold" forum so i wont answer but know this. Life is a two way street,everybody does there share and you above all should know that. Im tired of explaining or trying to. The word "liberal" is not a put down its the context in the way you constantly use it and if i take offense and write a reply,so what. Am i not allowed to say anything?Like i said just look at what you have at the end of every one of your posts. You need to start taking responsibility for the things you say. But maybe i am wrong. You think im a liberal but am i a "Progressive Socialist Liberal "or just your average nice guy liberal? I'll be waiting to hear from you
OK....everybody take one step back, and swallow one of these....


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