I’ve had a movie in the works now for a couple decades. It’s called “Instant Karma”, and it revolves around a real life character in my life who is a bonafide Northern California hippy, who decides to move back to Michigan with his hippy family. Thing happen along the way and while he’s here to strip him of his karma, a little bit at a time. He shares with me a couple songs he had been noodling with, and I take them and make them into real songs and they take off for me and my band. That strips him of even more karma because he was going to do great things with them, like save the whales and what not, and I’m using them for my capitalistic gains. In the end, he ends up an unidentifiable street rat who is selling pencils at one of my gigs at candlestick park, where I recognize him and bring him back into the fold. He joins the band onstage to do the songs, and all is well. All the capitalistic gains I’ve made with his music is now being used to save the whales and what not, just in a more roundabout way. There’s lots of funny stuff that happens along the way, and the irony of it is that it’s all true. He loves the movie, and really it’s just waiting on me to write the screenplay and get it into production.
So there, there’s my movie!