I believe the output from the 5v reg should show 0-7v in a sq wave as mentioned. A test light should blink dimly on and off.
That's not good, with no ground signal from the sending unit the gauge should not move....sounds like it's time to do some wire tracing.Pulled plug off of coolant sender unit and gage stayed pegged to the right.
Awesome, glad to hear you got it sorted out!Apparently the above connection was my culprit. I pried all the electric terminals out of the two plug ends - literally in the case of the alternator black wire terminals which were fused with the plug. One of the black terminals pulled off and it looks like they may not have trimmed enough insulation off when they crimped on the terminal and it was mostly crimped on insulation (thus pulling off easily). I put another terminal on it and connected all the wiring back up and wrapped them individually with electrical tape temporarily. I let the car run for about 15 - 20 minutes and the temp and gas level gages behaved normally. The alternator wire didn't seem to get hot and I don't see any sign of melted insulation anywhere that's visible - even right at the terminals so I may have dodged a worse mess.
My alternator gage is still climbing significantly and then jumping around wildly when I rev the engine up a little. If anybody has any ideas on this I would appreciate it. I had a meter hooked up and it never peaked over about 14.8 volts. Thinking about just replacing the alternator but that's just throwing parts at it.
I also need to come up with a 4-wire replacement plug set to repair the ruined/melted plug on the harness. If anyone has any spare or knows of a good source for that type thing I would appreciate hearing about it.
Edit: are type 56 series plugs and terminals common to Mopar? From the site I found, they seem to match the closest to what in on my harness. Automotive Retainers, Clips and Fasteners - ClipsAndFasteners.com