Well-Known Member
here is my 64 330:
HitIt;that's freakin' nice! Sometimes Jane looks best dressed plain.:yes::yes::yes:
More please;it's not there's a "4/40" coming up:tongueflap:.
I saw your son’s 330 in another post, that is one great car. The 63’s are such a great year for mopars.
Are you doing the paint and body first? I have a nice full set of rear window chrome for your car if you need it.
The one year anniversary of this thread! Yay! ha ha. Here is my car one year later. Looks pretty much the same but I can tell the differences. You can see the steering column wasn't in, no license plates yet, peice of window trim on the package tray, no side mirror... the motor and trans wasn't in yet... I could go on.
Here's my current status and working hard on it every day so we can be racing by June. Good luck me.
My buddy Graham's Canadian '63 (Plymouth dash, 313 Poly etc) waiting patiently for his newly punched out 413 X-ram.
Happy 3/30 day!!!ccasion14:
That clean factory looks good HitIt, it must be a wild ride when you Hit It with those bias tires.
Hey Pat, your making some progress there.....looks like you've even started priming in places, any more current pics?
I had a look at your blog Pat,it's comming along nicely. By the way great name for the car.......El Chupacabra II, I laughed when I saw it,simply becauase I knew what it was straight away.......never thought my somewhat limited spanish would be usefull on here. So what happened to the original "Goatsucker"?