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it's freaken snowing


Jackstand racer #1 & proud of it, Sir Posts A Lot
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
8:24 PM
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
NorCal Sierras
I know I'm freaken' whining, but winter is officially her for me, it's freaken' snowing right now :angryfire: & I still haven't finished my damn landscape project, with all the stuff going on around here lately... good thing is it will probably all just melt in a few days & be warm again... it is sunny Calif. after all :headbang:, worst part is I won't drive the RR this weekend probably, like I always do on weekends, my neighborhood tour, get the thumbs up from all the kids & ol' farts, even the Sherriff & CHP down the street...
Wish I could say I feel for you Bud but when it snows here it means you have months of nothing but snow, mud and ice. "Oh well" I actually like it with the exception of the mud. Wish you luck with your landscaping (another good thing about winter, no landscaping or mowing lol).
I always hope for a white Christmas it is nice
and the temp is not as bad as some have it we are only -18C or in your speak -0.4F so not to bad
We are supposed to get snow here in the central valley in the morning.....wtf!! We don't get snow, well the mountains do, but not the valley floor.
I know I'm whining & I know many people have it way freaken' worse, just sucks I can't drive my RR or work on my projects with out it becoming a hassle & my car will never see snow again, in it's life, if I can anyway help it {let alone rain even, she's a pampered B_I_T_C_H as my girlfriend Honey call's it} as I get older the less I like the devils dandruff, as I call it... I'm fortunate really we have great weather probably 95% of the time, hell we have show 12 months a year here even in the Sierra foothills.... I am a born & raised Calif. boy, I love the sun, surf, steams, lakes & heat, but I also use to snow ski allot, I worked at Kirkwood Resort for years every winter, ride my Banshee in the snow allot too... I lived in Palmer Alaska & worked in Point Barrow & Prudo Bay for Alyeska Pipe Line Services, I know what it's like to be in sub-zero temps for long periods of time, not for me anymore thank you...

- - - Updated - - -

We are supposed to get snow here in the central valley in the morning.....wtf!! We don't get snow, well the mountains do, but not the valley floor.

LOL...yeah we only got snow 2 times in 10 years when I lived in Rancho Murieta from 1997-2007, maybe 6 times in Concord/Walnut Creek/Pleasant Hill Ca. east bay area when I was young, over about 28-30 years.... It's bad when the snow gets down in the sea-level regions of Calif., especially around all the idiots that can't or don't know how to drive on dry pavement, let alone when it rains, snows or icy conditions...LOL...
No snow here, just a balmy 1 degree fahrenheit. Maybe snow tomorrow. Lovely.
we have snow temp is 26 degrees so i wish i could feel for you Bud
I know I'm freaken' whining, but winter is officially her for me, it's freaken' snowing right now :angryfire: & I still haven't finished my damn landscape project, with all the stuff going on around here lately... good thing is it will probably all just melt in a few days & be warm again... it is sunny Calif. after all :headbang:, worst part is I won't drive the RR this weekend probably, like I always do on weekends, my neighborhood tour, get the thumbs up from all the kids & ol' farts, even the Sherriff & CHP down the street...

You're kidding Budnicks ? ! ? ! ?

It was 75 yesterday here . . . and it's currently 51 and raining . . .

Guess it's coming our way . . . tomorrow ? ?
image.jpg. It's 27 out now and there is no chance of taking any car out till spring here.
Well we've gone into our annual deep freeze here in the valley. Got 8" of snow and then records lows the last 3 days at around -9*F and highs in the low teens. Saying another 4" tonight. Very well could be March before we see 32*F for a high. Only thing a hate about this valley is the inversions we can get. They seem to be getting worse. Can actually just drive 10 miles up the hill into 20* warmer weather. Mountains have been getting hammered with snow which is a real good thing.
I can't feel for you on this one Bud . I'll swap with you , you come here to chicago for the winter and I'll go your way.
I'm getting old and getting sick of winter. Already has hit around -30*F up in NW Colorado.
Oh wait. It's only still Fall.
Yep, cannot feel bad for ya been below zero for the last 4 days here in Colorado, and if we are lucky will see 32 by next Thursday.
Yep, cannot feel bad for ya been below zero for the last 4 days here in Colorado, and if we are lucky will see 32 by next Thursday.
Ya but over there on the East side you guys can get into the 50's and even 60's in the dead of winter as where we won't. Denver area has the most extreme weather in the country. Jan 1st could be -25* or 55*. Here will probably be 20*.
come on Buds, look at the bright side. In 2 more weeks the days start getting longer. :headbang:
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