UPDATE 4/24/19:
I noticed when sitting in the garage (engine off), when I worked the clutch pedal, I kept hearing
odd little snapping/popping sounds. Nothing loud, just faint little clicking...
I had found the time to get under the car and check things out and all looked fine, except
something struck me odd how the new, shiny z-bar was sitting in there.
It looked like it was too long, like it was binding/pinched between the frame pivot and the bellhousing.
It occurred to me the previous owner had done the 4 speed conversion, complete with a rather
nasty looking welding job on the pivot tab on the frame, so I focused on that area.
I did a little tweaking on that to try and free up a little spacing on the z-bar and wala, the noise
went away.
I reckon now having the correct z-bar showed this other weakness.
I hadn't had any time -or the weather was too crappy - then I got the flu real bad, which all conspired
to keep me from driving the car since that little tweaking.
Until yesterday evening, that is...
After a particularly hectic few days of job-related stuff, I needed a break. When the wife got home, I
didn't do the usual asking of what she felt like for dinner.
This time, I was all "it's time to get the GTX out. We'll go get Philly cheesesteaks."
That's about as demanding as I get, you know.

She agrees and off we go for the first drive since my little modification to the z-bar pivot...
and it was
freaking glorious.
The rebuilt 18-spline transmission felt awesome. The clutch felt like, well, a clutch.
A properly working, no weird noise-making, regular ol' clutch.
The car noticeably made speed easier, went down the road smoother - as it's
supposed to.
A smile slowly, silently formed on my face as we went down the highway. I must have looked
demented or something.

I couldn't help it....
As I pulled the GTX into the parking lot of the sub joint, I shut it down and just sat there quietly
for a moment, hands still on the wheel, staring out the windshield.
My wife looked at me oddly at first, like "what the heck is the matter with him
…then you could see it on her face, too, as she realized what was going on.
This 7 year journey I had started on with the GTX - and the absolute race it turned into, between
trying to get the car substantially back to a properly running, driving, operating car again before
I myself was gone from this planet - is now finally, thankfully substantially over.
As many times as I thought in times past that I had actually
won that race, that many times something
on the car had proven me wrong. Over and over again, I had foolishly prematurely claimed victory,
only to have some other weak link fail and start the clock again.
Then I'd get cancer again, go through all that fun again, have another surgery again, try to recover
And having dodged yet another bullet, set back to the car
again, the race (and my own countdown clock)
This time? It just felt
right...for the first time if I'm honest.
The GTX now
feels like a by-God Mopar. I actually relaxed and enjoyed the damn drive home afterwards.
The weight of the world had come off my shoulders.
I have never enjoyed a Philly cheesesteak so much in my life.