This situation where multiple-billions of dollars of OUR military equipment fell into the hands of a government, if we can call it this, that is an enemy is nauseating to put it lightly. On top of this were the billions we poured into the afgan ‘government’ to shore it up as a government, with those dollars going unaccounted for – for DECADES. The POS afgan prez fled the country with multiple millions of OUR money. How in theee **** does our government find this tolerable for more than a minute? Any way that I try to view this, the same answers crop up: Dumb ****, idiotic, insane, pathetic…can’t drum up a word that puts THIS into accurate perspective. And this prez, as others before, have said they're accountable? Really? Exactly how so? A negotiated deal with the taliban by the former admin is supposed to be upheld? Sorry, new situation here...IF the current admin finds issues to be strategically addressed, set it on our terms...not the ******* taliban's. The taliban wants to start attacking US forces, as we are working to get our asses and allies out of the country...then expect some fast and furious repercussions. The scrambling RUSH to evacuate people and vet them on a time clock is bullshit.