I've been calling too with no reply. Have a motor I want to send.
Seventy - who did you wind up using?
first try call Jerry 1-386-215-7764 with a florida phone number I guess...
Texas Bee sorry to hear that you are not getting a reply, $325 and a motor could be considered 3rd degree grand theft in florida which falls under the same statue as stealing 2,000 pieces of fruit or more, a first extinguisher, ammonia, and any commercially farmed animal...
I am sure she will turn up though, hopefully all is well and it is not a health issue or worse.
These are the risks we take doing business with small out of home businesses that are not with in driving distance and all over phone and through mail. I sent a $9400 rifle to a barrel smith in Oregon, he suffered a heart attack 2 weeks later and sadly passed away, luckily he was a licensed FFL and my rifle was returned, he hadn't done the work yet, and it was still in the box I shipped it in. I did have to fly to oregon to retrieve it though, which wasn't a huge deal because I was planning to pick it up in person anyway, we had a hunt booked and I was picking it up for that hunt...
Anyway, not everything works out that well, hopefully, this is just a misunderstanding and she is on vacation or has been called away unexpectedly...
again, good luck, it sucks to be out any amount when it comes to money, but it could be worse, I know guys that lost numbers matching motors by shipping them away for rebuilds...