Sorry, no progress pic's available... at least not for the application of the new vinyl. Once you start your more or less committed to the task, for a number of reasons.
I did not strip the old vinyl off first, as this would have ruined surface. Not to mention damaging the old dried out foam beneath.
For the vinyl repairs, I used cloth and a vinyl repair kit. Another incredibly tedious job, especially when doing large fills like I had to do. It can take several days in some cases. Both rear panels were damaged, as well as the center armrests. In fact there was almost nothing that didn't need to be touched up or repaired for the interior restoration. Example: both of the rear sail panel covers had broken, important attachment points broken off. The rear seats had caught on fire at some point in the past (lit cigarettes dropped under the seats). The foam was all burnt up and destroyed, but no one bothered to fix it, they just put new covers over the farg'n mess and damage. That said I had to make repairs, replacing the damaged foam with new stuff shaped to match the original (rear seat foams are not available for this car, only fronts). I spent months repairing everything, but it's all coming together now though.
Here's a shot of the damaged rear passenger side panel before making the necessary repairs, and another shot is of the drivers side panel being repaired. The drivers side was just old and cracked however, so it was a fairly simple fix... it only took 3 days for that one.
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