You know it seems like when ever I give some guy/gal Golf lessons, they stop in the middle almost always, to check their phone, email or messages, text someone, take a photo or what ever, waste of time, I will tell them "it's part of their paid hr.. they can use it how ever they like" but, they usually don't stop using the stupid phones, constantly looking at it, checking it, not paying attention to the lesson they paid for... It seems there is no personal contact, one on one, any longer everyone is either texting or calling or e-mailing, in line at the store or at the bank or while driving or any activity, instead of seeing each other in person & talking face to face, instead of over an electronic device of some kind.... Tech. is a great thing but, it is making the world, very rude, lazy, reclusive or detached from what's physically around them... People put the damn phone down, free your self...LOL... There is nothing so damn important you can't see it latter in private... Sorry for the "Old Farts Rant"...