67 coronet 2 door post. We are just putting the finishing touches on the motor and drive line .. headed for the body shop next .. I bought this car summer/fall.. I can't seem to find any literature or photos of these cars anywhere. I see there was a guy selling one out of a barn in IL but that is about it .. anyone know the story on these?? other than the Vin info I haven't been able to drum up much info. Was it a police cruiser back in the day when they used to lock the criminals in the trunk? seems they may have not built many 2 door post cars in 67?? I didn't even think about that when I bought it. I just liked it .. it dawned on me much later.
When can you deliver that to my house?
Is that your ice cream truck?
...and more importantly, does the soft serve machine stil lwork?
yeah i'll give you 500.00 bucks for itat least its not a red chevelle
Finally got the old paint that was a "30 footer" off the car. Its a variation of Burnt Orange but changes from allmost brownish red in the shade to almost copper in the sun. Lots of metallic.
440 6-Pack Stripe Delete R/T
I restored every nut and bolt 2 years ago.
You added the six pack or did Mr. Norm's do it?
I added it. Had a 4BBL. Everything else (except valve covers) is stock.
I'm restoring a 66 4-spd Hemi Satellite and am in need of the terminal block mounted above the horn relay on the mounting plate on the driver fenderwell plate. I understand this may be a one year only item. Ready to fire this baby up and only lack this one item. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
David - Muscle Cars and Handle Bars, Winter Park, Fl.
I just picked this 66 500 up 2 weeks ago. Slowly making some changes. Wheels are temporary till spring.