Hi guys
im sitting here thinking about retiring. although im only 49, according to the powers that be....i cant retire when they say i can without a bagazillion dollars in the bank to live on.
i have been working since i was 11 years old. i love to work and keep busy....but as i go on my 8th month of un-enjoy-ment....im learning that i kind of like not having anyone to answer to. i know times are tough all around and the union really isnt doing anything for me. i do things here and there to keep my mind occupied, like helping Spank 66 with his car, and doing things for my friends...( contrary to popular belief, i do have friends ). but why do i have to retire when they say i can to collect retirement benefits and pull my annuity from the union that has been building. if i pull anything out of that annuity before im 65...i get a major penalty. why is this ? i worked for that money....its mine and why cant i get it when i want it without paying a penalty.???
and heres a thought. in my business ya gotta be good and fast. when im near 65...im not gonna be the guy that i once was. i can see and feel things in my work ability declining fast....for the simple fact...IM NOT 23 YEARS OLD ANYMORE....and who wants a slow moving old master carpenter ? nobody will hire me. i thought about doing something else, but they aint gonna pay me what i feel im worth or what im used to making . so im stuck....and im not alone. im sure alot of you guys feel the same way as i do. im getting older fast.....i dont move or CANT move like i did when i was young. so what happens now? i want to retire for a number of reasons..
im older and cant perform like i did
the union guys that are working in these trying times are either related to the boss... or a major *** kisser...(definitely not my style). work is getting scarce....the morons running this country aint helping matters much...so what happens to us that have been in the trenches and paid our dues ??? im too old to get a new career....anyone else feel this way or am i alone in my convictions ?
im sitting here thinking about retiring. although im only 49, according to the powers that be....i cant retire when they say i can without a bagazillion dollars in the bank to live on.
i have been working since i was 11 years old. i love to work and keep busy....but as i go on my 8th month of un-enjoy-ment....im learning that i kind of like not having anyone to answer to. i know times are tough all around and the union really isnt doing anything for me. i do things here and there to keep my mind occupied, like helping Spank 66 with his car, and doing things for my friends...( contrary to popular belief, i do have friends ). but why do i have to retire when they say i can to collect retirement benefits and pull my annuity from the union that has been building. if i pull anything out of that annuity before im 65...i get a major penalty. why is this ? i worked for that money....its mine and why cant i get it when i want it without paying a penalty.???
and heres a thought. in my business ya gotta be good and fast. when im near 65...im not gonna be the guy that i once was. i can see and feel things in my work ability declining fast....for the simple fact...IM NOT 23 YEARS OLD ANYMORE....and who wants a slow moving old master carpenter ? nobody will hire me. i thought about doing something else, but they aint gonna pay me what i feel im worth or what im used to making . so im stuck....and im not alone. im sure alot of you guys feel the same way as i do. im getting older fast.....i dont move or CANT move like i did when i was young. so what happens now? i want to retire for a number of reasons..
im older and cant perform like i did
the union guys that are working in these trying times are either related to the boss... or a major *** kisser...(definitely not my style). work is getting scarce....the morons running this country aint helping matters much...so what happens to us that have been in the trenches and paid our dues ??? im too old to get a new career....anyone else feel this way or am i alone in my convictions ?