We use the Cloyes 9-3625TX9 regularily on our builds. It has the Torrington Bearing, no issues, works well.
Powerbond Harmonic Balancers are a cost effective alternative, they come in both std Street and SFI approved, no issues to report when Balancing, usually within 1 gram from neutral.
Sold under PB1112N for the oem replacement, or the SFI approved PB1112SS.
On another note:
It's a good idea for best results and when performing REAL Rotating Assembly Balancing, to make sure whoever Balances the Crankshaft for your Recip/Rotating Bobweight uses whatever Timing Gear & Oil Slinger you are actually USING ?, because we have seen discrepencies between manufacturers lower timing gear thicknesses by as much as .030", which positioning any potential Harmonic Balancer "imbalance" further IN or OUT can have notable effects on the left plane.
No matter,
as is said, "poop will run".... and close enough for "horseshoes and hand grenades" when buying the pre-balanced Rotating Assemblies ? never know WHAT they used or didn't use on the Crank when Balancing(usually nothing), let be an actual Harmonic Balancer/Slinger/Gear.
just say'in....
that's that vibration you can feel on the Dyno room concrete floor when revv'ing under load using the pre-balanced Rotating Assembly Kits.