1974 RoadRunner
We have figured out a few more things about the car, well mainly just getting more info from my parents. No luck with a VIN yet but I have many craigslist ads running in WA and OR as well as facebook shares etc. I have set up a quick website at www.Lost1974RoadRunner.com which will have the latest info and pictures and hopefully a VIN soon. I have also started working on a new registry website. Hopefully I can help out other people as well so the website will have info and VIN's/info on all 1968-74 RoadRunners that people send me. I will create their own pages with pictures, info and video links. I hope it doesn't get too crazy as I have multiple businesses to run but cars are my life and hopefully not only would I be able to find my own car, but help someone else in a similar situation. The new website will be up in the upcoming month probably at www.PlymouthRoadRunnerRegistry.com