My 68 RR RM23 HT Décor Package Interior I have now
had/came with a colored RR head centered in the horn button,
{Most had just the Plymouth Emblem like the Dodge steering wheels had, in the advert below}
& mine also has an OE Key chain leather pad & plastic colored RR head in the center
all the rest of the RR decals are Black & White versions,
including the rear trim panel
the 1968 Horn housing color is black the first year too...
I'm not 100% sure, but mine is a latter production HT,
so maybe things were different, than the OE Post Coups 1st came out...
IIRC all my 68's had B&W decals everywhere
other than the horn & in advertisements/promos,
color versions & B&W were both used in 1968 as early as 1967 Adverts...
Whom ever it was that said that the rights, it was purchased from Warner Bros. in 1967
is 100% correct !!
So there was no limitations on color or not in 1968, it was by choice & design,
Accountants/penny pinchers & designers decisions,
I'm sure, probably to save a little money...
Enjoy the photos
The show is allot more tolerable now, far better than season 1 & 2,
I don't have to FFWRD thru anywhere near as much now...LOL
I won't ever go as far as saying I actually LOVE GYC's show thou,
too much other stuff, I don't like {just my f---ing opinion} & it's just a freaken' TV show...
Everyone has their likes & dislikes, critiques etc., we don't have to all agree...
I think Mark knows allot, he's not the be all end all, I don't worship him,
no doubt he probably more than I do, doesn't mean I have to star my own program either...
BUT I also don't devote or spend my every waken moments,
acting like he's a self proclaimed "know it all",
worried about some lame damn part #,
or needlessly chastising someone else who's wrong,
about said part #'s, for some specific car & IMHFO,
when most all of that information, is easy enough to find...
It's not like he's curing cancer, it's a damn reality show...LOL
Probably, If it wasn't for the cool MOPAR's I'd say most people wouldn't even watch it...
I watch all the car shows, anyway MOPAR's or NOT...
"Only a handful of people in the world can do that"
So Mark is correct in some aspects & is wrong on others...