Not to sour your plans on the aluminum MC and I know very little about it, but a quick search revealed quite a few people are having leaking issues with the aluminum MC's compared to the iron ones.
I've had leakage on almost every master cylinder I've ever used, even late model cars.
That is one reason that I switched to the DOT 5. I don't care about paint damage in my crappy looking cars. They get DOT 3.
Today, I got two deliveries. One was this:
This is aluminum and is light!
3 1/2 lbs! It has a 1 1/32" bore.
The master cylinder that I was using with the A body booster:
It is hard to believe how light some things can be.
The second delivery came from a FBBO member that stepped up to help me out.
I've been annoyed with how much lower the brake pedal sits with the new booster and linkage.
It isn't as obvious here but certainly more noticeable with a straightedge across the clutch pedal. I needed a way to raise the brake pedal to match.
The fix is to take the pushrod that attaches to the pedal arm and the linkage....
Cut it at the line....
Then weld a small piece of metal in between.