Well-Known Member
Nick you are one lucky dog. My dad has Chevys.
Bingo, I too will leave everything I have long before I die (unless it's unexpected of coarse) to my kids and I couldn't agree more about putting a smile on they're faces "priceless". Nice looking GTX, Enjoy and be sure to let your dad know just how much you appreciate it. X2 on the extinguisher, before I put mine on the road it will have one. Good luckWhat are you having mixed feelings about? My cars will go to my kids when I pass on and you are lucky enough to have him still alive and it sounds like good health. He is thinking of you is my take on it. There is no greater joy to a parent then seeing their kid happy. Pick up the car and go see him in it often and take him places. There will be no greater joy for him than that. If I can leave my kids a special piece of me I am going to and if we can enjoy it together while I am still on this planet then I die a happy man. You're his son. Its a moment of pride that I would/will cherish for the rest of my life when I can do something like that for my kid.
What are you having mixed feelings about? My cars will go to my kids when I pass on and you are lucky enough to have him still alive and it sounds like good health. He is thinking of you is my take on it. There is no greater joy to a parent then seeing their kid happy. Pick up the car and go see him in it often and take him places. There will be no greater joy for him than that. If I can leave my kids a special piece of me I am going to and if we can enjoy it together while I am still on this planet then I die a happy man. You're his son. Its a moment of pride that I would/will cherish for the rest of my life when I can do something like that for my kid.
Thanks for the replys
I do have a great dad,, he knows what that car means to me, hes had that laser surgery on his eyes about 2 years ago it helped .No power brakes , he just didnt feel safe driving it,, he have trou le climbing under the car,, it was that kinda stuff,, I will pass it on to my son, but no time soon, hes still a jug head, but getting better,,, I was in Ga getting the GTX he was putting the heads on his mustang ,come to think about it,, My dad has passed on more than a car, over the years he shown me and mine , how to take something that has been trashed and used up, make it , biger , better, faster, or like new..and does apply to more than just car, trucks , and motorcycles..and it started with these few words"BOY HOLD THAT DAMN LIGHT STILL"
Excellent post!
I heard a saying once that I really liked ... "it's not what you can gather ... it's what you are able to scatter".
My old man had cars, property and money, but he didn't leave anything to anybody. He didn't believe in sharing or passing anything along. His motto was "hooray for me and the hell with you". He was a real piece of work.
You have a good dad there. Enjoy the experience together.
Bingo, I too will leave everything I have long before I die (unless it's unexpected of coarse) to my kids and I couldn't agree more about putting a smile on they're faces "priceless". Nice looking GTX, Enjoy and be sure to let your dad know just how much you appreciate it. X2 on the extinguisher, before I put mine on the road it will have one. Good luck