Any documented update not hear say? I heard Ohio went to red over the weekend which is basically lock down... That being said I need to cancel my room then so as not to be charged a night...
It's the same way here AND we just had the Carlisle Show....announced today, you must wear a mask indoors if not a home, and all public places. thinking about travel restrictions.
Found my answer.... Show is canceled.. Just canceled my room....
Not great news, due to the recent spike in Covid cases in Ohio, as of today (7-21-2020) we are forced to postpone the event to 2021. We are sorry we had to change at the last minute but the new restrictions announced by the State do not allow spectators and a very small percentage of participant capacity which has already been surpassed by pre-registered participants. With it being our 40th Year Anniversary, Tribute to the 1970 Model Year and the General Lee Jump, with Luke & Daisy being there in person and signing autographs, we had no choice but to postpone the event due to these new changes where many of you would have missed out. We are working out the process for Pre-Registered participants to have the option of rolling their entry into 2021 and locking in the price for next year or if necessary requesting a refund. Check back in the next few days for a link when the process has been defined. If you have hotel reservations, remember to cancel or move them to 2021.
Dates for next year are August 13,14,15, 2021 at NTR.