My problem is that I have very limited pictures of the Mopars I owned back in the day. I have a few old pictures of my Charger that I could scan in, but back then, you had to take pictures (with actual camera film) and pay to have them developed.

That's something I didn't do much back then.
Current Mopars are:
My '69 Charger that is shown going through rebuild on my restoration thread (link below)
My '67 Barracuda Notchback that I've talked about over on Forabodiesonly (pics below). You can find me over there under the same user name as here.
Previous Mopars were (no pics I am aware of):
'73 Dart Sport Brown stripe delete /6 - 3spd on floor bench seat
'73 Satellite black with black top 318 column auto, bench seat
'70 Satellite copper with black top 318 column auto, bench seat
'71 Satellite Sebring Plus Copper with white top 383 console auto
Most recent Charger and Barracuda pics:
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