Amen bro !!!They all look like he just fished them outta a swamp, not sure hanging them from the rafters will make much difference. The chains appear to be doing thier own panel work on fenders, front and rear panels, plus no doubt bending frame rails, causing the cars to sag in the midle and rendering them useless.
Sell the cars to someone who will care for and respect them while they're on the ground before you get to this point and stick them in the roof for the pigeons to crap in.
I don't get the point. Why would someone do this?
No I think someone took a **** in the gene pool!Because the gene pool hasn't had a chlorine treatment lately.
Has anyone else ever heard of or seen this before ? Said they would be harder to steal this way !!!
One way to gain floor space..... I guess. At least their indoors. The owner must realize the value of them to go through the trouble of storing them in that manner. Likely, even if he never does anything with them, they will eventually end up in the hands of someone who will know what to do.
how do all these flakes end up with these cars anyways? i seen that on carsinbarns also, how retarted can one be anyways that retarted thats how much.