Well-Known Member
That place can be VERY frustrating at times, which is why I spend more time here. Thanks Joey!
I think one of the best things about this site is the build posts. TONS of great info there and the site is so easy to post to. Moparts is a MAJOR PAIN to post pics on.
It's no coincidence that things started picking up once I came on board. There. Someone had to say it; might as well be me.
Richard "Dick" Head" Cranium...You are the bomb for someone that is always the first responder with your whit and candor. Gotta Love it.
I'll throw my 2 cents on this. I have to agree with CR8 as well, we both have done some serious battle with knuckleheads over there on a lot of topics. I get slandered about sexual orientation for which I'm not a homo, and I get the vacation. They got the pat on the back. I guess what really set them over the edge and gave the ban was for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 there was a topic titled "What are you doing for 9/11". I was deployed at the time and had to fly that day, so I put a reply that I was deployed and had to fly and hope I get a chance to whack a raghead. By their actions they didn't think it as funny. If it was on this board I might have gotten replies of "Go get em killer"! I'm not a member of the political board here and maybe I should even though I don't reply much, I'm kinda like Mr. Ed! Yeah, I like it better here too, I get to use some 4 letter words I can't use over there, I haven't tested it with a F bomb yet. I don't think I'll ever need to.