I wish we had your bugs.
But several good tips have been said here. To recap:
No standing water. None. No old tires full of water, puddles, nothing.
Bats, dragon flies, and swallows are your friends.
Eliminate as much undergrowth as you can. Some trees are fine, but you want to encourage a breeze. Cut the lawn.
They are attracted to carbon dioxide, heat, and moisture. Your body gives off all three. Your car gives off lots.
Of the common, easily obtainable repellents Deep Woods Off is as good as any. The old timers up here still reminisce fondly of a product called Muskol. It was straight DEET, nothing else. It melted plastic and caused cancer but damn that stuff was good.
No products work on our flies. Stay near the campfire smoke, go out in the breeze, or stay indoors are the choices.
And do not wear dark clothing. They are attracted to your dark colours because moose, Buffalo, bears etc are all dark coloured. I wear white or very light colours in the summer. It makes a big difference.
You sort of build up an immunity after a while and don’t itch or swell. Yet in Mexico their mosquitos really affect me.
Funny story about dragon flies: we had a huge black cat named Hawkeye. Besides being a big homo he was as dumb as a hammer. His first trip ever outside he came back in looking like he kissed a porcupine. What it was was that he had a mouthful of dragon flies. He thought that they were birds as he had never seen either before. He eventually figured it out.