As with any oil I think it's all subject to how you treat the engine. Too rich mixture, too hot, too cold, high RPM, racing, high loads, FI or carb and so on will have an effect on oil life. Using the good stuff like Brad Penn, SWEPCO, AMSOIL, etc. will help resist damage caused by the factors listed above. Back in the 80's I ran off the shelf Valvoline or Havoline and changed it very frequently, but it was good oil with the higher zinc and phosphorus content. A tear down after about 5000 miles of hard driving (by a 17 yr old banging gears at 6000 RPM every day) there was no wear to speak of . The bearings were not copper and appeared as if they never touched the journals. The tear down was not due to anything breaking, just improvements for more power :grin: