Got the vehicles registered, today was my driver’s license appointment. WTF! I get there, bring 2 bills in my name, the registration, copy of my AAA insurance is on my phone app, SS card, award letter from the VA and a copy of my DD214. Appointment was for 9:30, I get called up at 10, no biggie but **** was about to hit the fan. I’m informed that my “copy of my Birth Certificate” must be original or certified! No getting around it! And you must do this within 90 days of your arrival.
I state that no agency, local state or federal has had a problem with a “copy” of my BC. She says that Texas put into LAW that all people moving into the state must have an original or certified copy of their BC in 2019. No getting around it! GD! F!!!
So I call my dad, ask if he has my original as I haven’t talked to his ex wife in 25 years (she’s a B H!). He says he may but don’t hold my breath. Calls me back and says he doesn’t have it. Dang!!!
Got ahold of Fulton County in Georgia and for a measly $68 they will send me 2 certified copies next day air UPS. I pay and now I’m waiting till next week or so cause it can take 3/5 business days to get it done. Ughhh!!!
For my wife, she has to have all the documents I stated plus her divorce decree and marriage certificate (to me)!
I get why Texas is doing this, but I’ve bled on the flag to make damn sure them stripes stay red for every American!
So now I wait, still have my Commiefornia driver’s license, which is good, but need to surrender it to Texas when I finally get this done.